FLExTrans User Documentation

3 February 2025
Version: 3.12.1



This document describes how to use the FLExTrans machine translation system. See section 10 for other documentation.

1 Introduction

FLExTrans is a rule-based machine translation system. It was first developed in 2015 (Lockwood 2015). It marries the power of the Apertium (Apertium, 2021) transfer engine with the outstanding lexical model and usability of FLEx.

Figure 1 

FLExTrans is composed basically of two language databases, a list of transfer rules and a series of programs that do the work. The language databases, one for the source language and one for the target language, are in the form of FLEx projects. A FLEx project stores, among other things, a lexicon, grammar settings and a database of texts. The transfer rules are in the form of a text file in XML format. The core programs are the analysis engine, the transfer engine and the synthesis engine. A text in the source language first goes through the analysis process where words are broken down into morphemes. Then the “analyzed” text is transformed into target morphemes and rearranged as necessary in the transfer process. Lastly, the target morphemes are put together into target words in the synthesis process. The end result is a text in the target language.

FLExTrans, as a program, consists of many different modules that are run within the FLExTools[1] program. Upon installation, FLExTools is populated with several collections of modules for common FLExTrans tasks.

2 Overview and Getting Started

After you have installed FLExTrans and performed some one-time preparatory steps on your source and target FLEx projects, the basic steps for machine translation with FLExTrans are as follows:

  1. Analyze the text you want to translate in the source FLEx project.
  2. Link lexical senses that are in the source text to senses in the target FLEx project using the Sense Linker Tool
  3. Write transfer rules that convert source words and phrases to target words and phrases.
  4. Run the core FLExTrans modules.

2.1 Preparatory Steps

These steps only need to be performed once, when you are setting up your projects to be used with FLExTrans.

For the following steps, it is assumed that you have gone through the installation steps as given on the FLExTrans website and that you have confirmed that FLExTrans works for the sample projects. Be sure that the FLEx projects for your source and target languages are on your machine and can be opened by FLEx.

2.1.1 Set up your projects

The following steps will prepare your FLEx projects, as well as the FLExTrans setup for your specific pair of languages.

  1. Enable the sharing option in each of your FLEx projects. This will allow you to keep FLEx projects open while running FLExTrans.
  2. Add a custom field to your source FLEx project. This is where link information to the target senses is kept.
    1. In your source FLEx project, go to the Lexicon area
    2. From the menu select Tools > Configure > Custom Fields
    3. Click Add and use the following settings:
      1. Custom Field Name: Target Equivalent[2]
      2. Location: Sense
      3. Type: Single-line Text
      4. Writing Systems(s): First Analysis Writing System
    4. Click OK
  3. Create a new folder for your language pair.
    1. In File Explorer, go to the WorkProjects subfolder of the installation folder (typically Documents\FLExTrans).
    2. Copy the TemplateProject folder and Paste it where it is. You should see a new folder called TemplateProject - Copy
    3. Rename this folder to the name of language pair you will work with, for example, French-Spanish.
  4. Start FLExTools.
    1. Navigate to the folder for your project (typically Documents\FLExTrans\WorkProjects\[YourProject]).
    2. Double-click on the file FlexTools.vbs (a Visual Basic script file).
    3. It should look like (1).
  5. Click on the button and choose your source database, i.e. FLEx project. If you did the installation test, instead of "Choose Project", it will show the most recently used source project before you click on it.
  6. Change the settings for your new project.
    1. Select FLExTrans > Settings from the menu.
    2. You should see the FLExTrans Settings window that looks like this:
    3. Change these two settings:
      Setting Change to
      Source Text Name The title of the text you want to translate (from the lists of texts in the source FLEx project).
      Target Project The name of your target FLEx project (from the list of FLEx projects).
    4. Click the button.

2.1.2 Choose your parser for synthesis, XAmple or HermitCrab

The modules related to synthesis (writing out lexicon files, preparing the text, running synthesis) need to know if you are using the XAmple parsing model or the HermitCrab parsing model in your Target Project for synthesizing target morphemes into surface forms. For more details on the HermitCrab parser, see Black, (2014).

By default FLExTrans assumes you will use the XAmple parsing model. To set up FLExTrans for HermitCrab parsing, you need to do the following things:

  1. Turn on the setting to enable HermitCrab for synthesis.
    1. Launch the FLExTrans Settings by selecting FLExTrans > Settings from the FLExTools menu.
    2. Click Yes for Use HermitCrab synthesis as shown in (3).
  2. If you have any lexical entries that have a space in the Lexeme Form, do the following in your FLEx projects:

    1. Add a "phoneme" with a grapheme of #.
    2. Make sure that the phonological features for this phoneme are unique.

    The HermitCrab synthesis tool will use #s internally for spaces.

2.1.3 Prepare your data

There are certain steps that are not strictly necessary for FLEx, but they are needed for FLExTrans. In your FLEx projects:

  1. Ensure that the glosses of affixes are unique, within each morpheme type. That is, all suffixes have unique glosses, all prefixes have unique glosses, etc. The glosses of different senses within an entry can be the same, but across separate entries they should be different.
  2. Ensure that glosses of affixes don't have spaces in them. Use period or underscore instead. Note that if you use periods in your affix glosses, you will have to write them with underscores when referencing them in rules.
  3. Ensure that every Part of Speech (category) has both a Name and an Abbreviation in the primary analysis writing system.
  4. Ensure that all templates have a name in the primary analysis writing system, all slots have a name, and all slots have at least one affix in them. If any template doesn't meet these criteria, temporarily deactivate it by unticking the "Active" box in the description of the template.
  5. FLExTrans is intended to work with the primary analysis writing system set to any writing system. If you encounter an area that only works with English as the analysis writing system, please report it to the developers.

2.1.4 Pre-populate the transfer rules file with Categories and Attributes

If you expect to write rules that use more than a few of the categories, attributes, and template slots in your FLEx projects, there is a module that can get those into your transfer rules file before beginning. (Find out more about this tool in section 4.5. Find more about transfer rules in section 6.)

  1. Run the Set Up Transfer Rule Categories and Attributes Tool from the Tools collection. You will see a window that looks like (4).
  2. If you have grammatical templates defined in your FLEx projects, click the check box for Populate template slots as attributes.
  3. Click OK

2.2 Walkthrough of Basic Machine Translation Steps

2.2.1 Analyze the Source Text

  1. Create a new text in FLEx.
  2. Paste in some text. (Start with a simple text; perhaps just one sentence.)
  3. Analyze this text.
    1. Divide each word into its morphemes.
    2. Accept the analysis of each word.

Word glosses, word categories and free translations are not necessary. A fully analyzed text will look something like (5) below.


Note: Word gloss and category are hidden as well as free translation.

2.2.2 Link Senses

  1. Click on Tools tab and you’ll see list of Tools modules:
  2. Click on Sense Linker Tool in the list.
  3. Click on the Run button to run the module. Click OK on the message box that comes up to confirm you want to change FLEx data. You’ll now see the Sense Linker Tool with no links yet established. The window will look something like this:
  4. Link each sense. (More details in section 4.1)
    1. For blue rows that look good, simply check the check box in the Link It column.
    2. For red rows pick the appropriate target sense in the drop-down list, then double-click in the Target Head Word column for that row.
  5. Click OK

Now you have senses linked from the source project to the target. You haven’t created anything in the target project yet, but you have done the preparatory work.

2.2.3 Write Transfer Rules

In this section, as an exercise, we are going to write a simple rule that removes affixes from words of a certain category. We’ll modify an existing rule to do this.

  1. Navigate to your work project folder.
  2. Open the file transfer_rules-Swedish.t1x in XMLmind XML Editor. It should look something like (8). This is the transfer rules file that works with the sample projects.
  3. Expand the rule element for Verbs and also the output element so that it looks like (9).
  4. Pick a category that you are going to process. For this example let’s use noun, abbreviated “n”.
  5. Change the rule comment shown in blue to “Nouns”
  6. We need to change the pattern element so it matches nouns. Change the item element to “c_n”. We will use this to mean: category noun. Category noun gets defined in a later step.
  7. Remove the two literal tag elements by clicking on the word “literal” and pressing the delete key. The rule should now look like (10).
  8. Expand the Categories element (the first item in (8)) and the second category element and it should look like (11).
  9. Change “c_v” to “c_n” in the category element and “v” to “n” in both tags elements. Now it should look something like (12). Category “c_n” is now defined as the single tag “n” or the tag “n” followed by any other tag, i.e. affixes and the like.
  10. Expand the Attributes element and the second attribute element and it should look like (13). Note that we already have a tag for a noun.
  11. We are done editing the rule. You can save the file.

In brief what this rule does is set up an action to take place when a word is processed by the Apertium engine that has the “n” tag. (Every word coming from FLEx has the word’s grammatical category in the form of a tag. It’s always the first tag.)

The action that we execute is to strip off any affixes from the word. This is accomplished by outputting the word itself -- the “lem” part and the grammatical category -- anything that matches a tag specified by in the “a_gram_cat” attribute. No other tags (affixes) are explicitly outputted. The target lang. attribute of the clip elements in (10) above is selected so the target word that corresponds to the input source word is outputted.

See sections “A Tutorial on Writing Transfer Rules” and “Transfer Rule How To’s” for more information on transfer rules. The authoritative reference document for transfer rules is found in section 3.5 and appendix 3 of Forcada et al. (2010).

2.2.4 Run FLExTrans Modules

  1. In FLExTools, click on the Drafting tab and you’ll see (1).
  2. Click on the Run All button to run all the modules. You’ll see the modules run and see various lines of output.

You can see the results by opening the target FLEx project. Go to the Texts & Words area and verify that a new text has been inserted. (Sometimes it takes a moment before it appears.)

FLExTrans User Interface Orientation

The FLExTrans User Interface presents modules that can be run to perform various operations. These are organized into collections. There is a menu that allows adjusting settings for the modules.

3.1 FLExTrans Window

The FLExTrans user interface is shown in (14). The parts of this window are described below.

  1. The Menu bar provides a way to run various FLExTrans commands by choosing a menu and then selecting a command from that menu.
    1. The FLExTools menu provides a way to change the Source Project, change or manage collections, learn about modules, reload modules, and exit the FLExTrans program.
    2. The Run menu allows users to run a single module, or all modules in the current collection.
    3. The Report menu includes options for copying messages to the clipboard or to clear them.
    4. The FLExTrans menu gives access to the settings for FLExTrans, as well as the FLExTrans documentation, and information about the current version of FLExTrans.
    5. The Help menu gives access to the FLExTools documentation, as well as some additional resources for writing modules for FLExTools, and the "About" information for FLExTools.
  2. The Toolbar provides icons that can be clicked to run the most common FLExTools commands.
    1. The Source Project icon allows you to choose from the FLEx projects that are available on your device.
    2. The Module Info button shows more details about whichever module is currently selected.
    3. The Run button runs the currently selected module. Note: you can multi-select modules (using ctrl-click or shift-click) and use the Run button to run all the modules that you have selected.
    4. The Run All button runs all the modules in the current collection, in order. If one of the modules results in an error, operation will stop and the remaining modules will not be run.
  3. The Modules pane displays all the modules that are in the current collection. Keep in mind that this is a subset of all the modules that are available in FLExTrans, and modules may exist in more than one collection.
  4. The Messages pane displays any messages, warnings, or errors that result from running modules.
  5. The Status Bar gives details that indicate the current context for your operations:
    1. The current collection
    2. The name of your project folder
    3. The Source Text that is currently selected

3.2 The FLExTrans Settings

The FLExTrans Settings provide a way to configure various details needed for FLExTrans. You launch the FLExTrans Settings by selecting FLExTrans > Settings from the FLExTools main menu. Hover over a text box or Browse button to get an explanation of the setting. For file or folder names in the FLExTrans Settings, you can change the file to be used by simply typing the changes in the pertinent text box.


3.3 Using Collections

Most of the tasks in FLExTrans are accomplished by running several modules. To make it easier to find the modules needed for larger tasks, collections provide a way to see only a subset of the available modules, presented in a set sequence. Modules can be in more than one collection.

To change to a different collection, click the desired tab just below the toolbar buttons.

To manage collections, select Manage Collections from the FLExTools menu.

This will bring up the Collections Manager, as shown in (16)


In the upper left pane is a list of the currently defined collections. The upper right pane shows all the modules that are in the currently selected collection. The lower left pane shows all possible modules in FLExTrans. If a module is selected in this pane, the lower right pane will provide information about that module.

If you want to make your own collection to hold modules that you frequently run together, use the button to create a new collection. Select a module in the lower left pane and use the button to add it to your collection. Use the and buttons to change the sequence.

When you are finished making your collection, click the Select button on the toolbar.

FLExTrans Tools

4.1 The Sense Linker Tool

The Sense Linker Tool is a tool for linking source senses to target senses. The tool looks through the text specified in the settings and lists every sense that was analyzed in that text in order. Here’s a sample screen shot of the Sense Linker Tool:


4.1.1 Color Coding Key

Here’s a key to the color coding:

White Source sense has been linked to a target sense.
Red Source sense has not been linked to a target sense.
Very Light Blue A target sense has been suggested for this source sense through a partial match of the glosses.
Light Blue A target sense has been suggested for this source sense through an exact match of the glosses.
Green The target sense has been set or changed for this source sense.
Red Text There is a mismatch of grammatical category even though the glosses match.
Green Text Source headwords
Blue Text Target headwords

4.1.2 Linking

For suggested sense links (colored in blue shades), if you want to link them, simply check the check box in the Link It column.

To link a source sense with a target sense where there is no suggestion or to change an existing link, you need to do two things. First, select the target sense that you want to link to in the drop down list of All Target Senses then go to the Target Head Word column for the source sense in question and double-click there. The target sense information should appear with a green background color. You can use the search text box to find the appropriate target sense.

4.1.3 Source Text

If you want to work on linking senses for a different source text, click the Source Text drop-down box and select the desired text. At this point, the Sense Linker Tool will close and restart.

4.1.4 Search the All Target Senses List

Use the Search here field to find a sense. This will find senses in the list by matching the beginning of the headwords in the list. If you want to filter the target sense list to those matching part of a headword or the gloss or the part of speech (using parentheses), click on the Filter on all fields check box and then type in the Search here box. Note: if you want the Filter on all fields check box to be checked by default every time, there's a setting for that. Change the Default to filtering on all fields? to Yes in the Linker Settings section of the FLExTrans Settings.


4.1.5 Add Entry


At times you may realize the target sense that you want to link to is not yet in the target lexicon. You can click on the Add Entry button to bring up the dialog shown in (19) to add the basic information about the new entry and sense. Once you click OK, the new entry/sense gets added to the Target Sense List and gets selected and now you can use it for linking. Note that the new sense will always be sense number one. If you need to merge the sense into another entry, use the merge capability in FLEx. If you do such a merge, the link you have established remains valid since FLExTrans links directly to the sense regardless of where it is.

4.1.6 Show Only Unlinked

If you only want to see the senses that need to be linked, check the box Show Only Unlinked.

4.1.7 Hide Proper Nouns

If you want to hide proper nouns, which you may not want to bother linking, (especially if the form is the same in both languages) click the box Hide Proper Nouns.

4.1.8 Zoom and Font Button

Quickly change the font size with the plus and minus buttons next to Zoom. Change all aspects of the font with the Font button.

4.1.9 Rebuild Bilingual Lexicon

After finishing sense linking, sooner or later you need to rebuild the bilingual lexicon. If the Rebuild the Bilingual Lexicon check box is checked, this will happen automatically when you click OK. If you would like to change whether by default this box is checked or unchecked when you start the Sense Linker Tool, set the corresponding setting in the FLExTrans Settings.

4.1.10 Export Unlinked Senses

Use this check box to export a list of unlinked senses to a file (after clicking OK). If Hide Proper Nouns is checked, Proper Nouns will not be exported. The results pane will tell you where the file is and its name. This file can be useful to send to a colleague to fill out the correct target words for the given source word. The file is in HTML format, it works well to open this in a word processor and save it as a document.

4.1.11 Senses to link

At the bottom left the number of senses left to link is shown. Note that this is not necessarily the number of unchecked boxes, rather the number of unique senses that are remaining to link.

4.2 The Live Rule Tester Tool

The Live Rule Tester Tool is a tool that allows you to test source words or sentences live against transfer rules. This tool is especially helpful for finding out why transfer rules not are doing what you expect them to do. You can zero in on the problem by selecting just one source word and applying the pertinent transfer rule. In this way you don’t have to run the whole system against the whole text file and all transfer rules. Here’s sample screen shot of the Live Rule Tester Tool:


4.2.1 Quick Guide

Here’s a quick guide on using the Live Rule Tester Tool.

  1. First you want to choose something from your source text that you want to test. When you first run the tool, the words of the first sentence are shown both in the drop down list at the top and in the peach-colored area. You can check one or more words and when you do the data stream format of the words is shown in the blue-colored area. You can quickly select a whole sentence, by clicking on the Select Sentences tab and clicking on the sentence you want.
  2. Next select which rule or rules you want to run against the words you selected. Check the check boxes in the purple area as appropriate. Check them all with the Select All button. Uncheck them all with the Unselect All button. Move a rule up or down by clicking on it and clicking the up or down arrow buttons.
  3. Now you are ready to test. Click the Transfer button and you will process the selected words. You will see the results in data stream format in the green-colored Target Text area.
  4. Check the yellow Rule Execution Information area. It will show which words were matched for the rules that were executed.
  5. Now you are ready to synthesize. Click the Synthesize button and you will synthesize the target text into target words in the salmon-colored Synthesized Text area.
  6. Use the Add to Testbed button to add the input words and synthesized result to the FLExTrans Testbed. This is essentially a database of expected results for a certain inputs. In another part of FLExTrans you can run the Testbed to see if you are still getting the results you expect.

4.2.2 Change Source Text

If you want to work on a different source text, click the Source Text drop-down box and select the desired text. At this point, the Live Rule Tester Tool will close and restart.

4.2.3 Hover to See Bilingual Lexicon Entry

When you are in the Select Words tab in the top pane, you can hover over a word to see what the bilingual lexicon entry looks like for that word. As shown in the image above when you hover over the word ‘liebe’, use see that the bilingual lexicon maps ‘lieben’ to ‘älska’. This feature can be very useful when inflection features are present on the target word. These will show in the pop-up as well. If you have used the 4.10, you may see multiple mappings in the pop-up image.

4.2.4 Other Parts of the Tool

By default the transfer rules file, the bilingual lexicon file and the source text are loaded according to the FLExTrans Settings. If you want to rebuild the bilingual lexicon, perhaps after changing something in a lexicon, click the Rebuild Bilingual Lexicon button.

You may have noticed that there is a Manual Entry tab for the source text words. You can enter words (technically word-senses) directly in plain text data stream format[15]. This might be useful if you want to test a word-sense that isn’t in a given text.

The Interchunk and Postchunk tabs are for use in testing rules using the advanced Apertium transfer engine.

You can’t edit the transfer rules in the Live Rule Tester Tool and even when you change the order of the rules in the tool that doesn’t change your transfer rules file. Make your changes in the XMLmind XML Editor. You can launch the editor by clicking on the Edit Transfer Rules button. To reload the transfer rules after you have changed them, click on the Refresh Rules button.

The View Bilingual Lexicon will start the XMLmind XML Editor for viewing the bilingual lexicon. The Replacement Dictionary Editor button will start the Replacement Dictionary Editor.

If you change the target lexicon, click the Refresh Target Lexicon button to reload it so that upon synthesis, FLExTrans uses the changed target lexicon.

There is a check box that says Add multiple words to the testbed word by word. Use this when you want to add multiple one-word translations to the testbed in batch. This is useful, for example, if you have a "sentence" that runs through a paradigm. When you click Add to Testbed, FLExTrans will add each individual word and its corresponding synthesis to the Testbed in one go. Each pair will be its own test.

The Open Rule Assistant button will launch the Rule Assistant and the test data shown in it will be from the source text that is currently shown in the Live Rule Tester Tool.

The Trace HermitCrab synthesis check box, when checked before clicking the Synthesize button, will bring up a web page showing trace information. This may be helpful when trying to troubleshoot why some morphemes are not synthesizing correctly. This check box will only be visible if you have already indicated you want to use HermitCrab synthesis in the FLExTrans Settings.

The Apply Text Out rules check box, when checked before clicking the Synthesize button, will execute all of the search/replace rules you have defined with the Text Out Rules module. These will be applied before showing the result in the Synthesis Text box. This check box will only be visible if you have already added some rules via the Text Out Rules module.

The Do not clean up unknown words check box, when checked before clicking the Synthesize button, will prevent the synthesis process from removing symbols around synthesized words that indicate a word didn't synthesize. For example, %0%bilar% will not get cleaned up to be bilar. For production use of FT it is often helpful to do this clean up for words that you don't expect to synthesize, but for troubleshooting synthesis issues, it is helpful to see any problems. Otherwise, these problems may lie hidden. This check box will only be visible if you have already selected Yes for the Clean Up Unknown Target Words setting in the FLExTrans Settings.

4.3 The Source/Target Viewer Tool

The Source/Target Viewer Tool is a tool that allows you to view the Apertium source or target files in an easy-to-read manner. You may not need to examine the Apertium files source_text.txt or target_text.txt very often, but sometimes you may find it useful to see what got extracted from the source FLEx project into source_text.txt or to see what the transfer rules produced after running the RunApertium module in the form of target_text.txt. Run this tool to see the contents of these files. (21) shows what the tool looks like. The actual file contents look like (22).


You have the options of changing the font, increasing the zoom level, displaying the text right-to-left or opening a similar view in the default web browser. If you click on the Target button, you will see the contents of target_text.txt.

4.4 Paratext Import and Export Tools

4.4.1 Paratext Import

To import Paratext chapters into the source FLEx project, use the Import Text From Paratext module. Fill out the Paratext project abbreviation in the first box. Note: this must be a project that you are at least an Observer on in Paratext.

Also, you cannot import from Paratext resources. Put the Paratext book abbreviation in the second box. Select from and to chapters.

After importing, you will have a new text in the source FLEx project. It will be named something like the following: John 03-04. Note: if a text with that name already exists, you will get a text with the same name with '- Copy' appended. Unless you have checked the Overwrite existing text box.

Additional options are the following:


4.4.2 Paratext Export

There are two tools that help you export to Paratext. The difference between them is where your you want to export your text from.

  1. Export Translated Text to Paratext - takes a newly synthesized text and exports it to Paratext.
    1. You can substitute this module for the Insert Target Text module that is normally the last module in the Drafting collection.
    2. By doing this, after a text gets translated, it will immediately get put into the target Paratext project for further editing.
    3. This is the best practice once your translation system is working smoothly.
  2. Export FLEx Text to Paratext - takes a text that is in FLEx and exports it to Paratext.
    1. Use this module if you have made changes or normally make changes to the target text in FLEx and you want those changes to end up in Paratext. Export Translated Text to Paratext

To export chapters to Paratext from the newly synthesized text, use this tool. It is designed to work well with a text that you have previously imported with the Import Text From Paratext module and translated. The export tool expects the name of the active source text to be in the form John 03-04 or JHN 03-04. Use the FLExTrans Settings if you need to change the active source text. Export Text From Paratext will find the book and chapters in the given Paratext project and replace the text that was there with the text created by FLExTrans.[3] Note: the Paratext project must be a project that you are at least a Translator on. Also, the Paratext book must already exist.

Normally this module should be run after the Synthesize Text module.

(24) Export FLEx Text to Paratext

To export chapters to Paratext from a FLEx text, use this tool. It is designed to work well with a text that you have previously inserted into the target FLEx project with the Insert Target Text tool. Export FLEx Text to Paratext will find all scripture texts in FLEx and shows you the filtered list of texts. It looks for texts with names in the format John 03-04 or JHN 01. You can select multiple text to be exported. Also, if you want to export all chapters for book, first check the check box that says: Clicking any chapter of a book selects all chapters of the book. Then when you click one of the book's chapters in the Scripture Texts list, all chapters will get selected.

Note: the Paratext project must be a project that you are at least a Translator on. Also, the Paratext book must already exist.


4.5 The Set Up Transfer Rule Categories and Attributes Tool

The Set Up Transfer Rule Grammatical Categories Tool will populate categories and attributes in your transfer rule file. Use this tool when you are first setting up your transfer rules. You are given a choice for populating attributes as shown in (26). Source categories & the a_gram_cat attribute are always processed.


4.5.1 Source Categories

This tool finds all the grammatical categories in the source FLEx project and creates corresponding categories under the Categories element in the transfer rule file. Source categories will always be created with this tool, unless an existing category of the same name is found.

4.5.2 a_gram_cat Attribute

This tool that will put the necessary attribute values for grammatical categories into your transfer rules file. Every transfer rule will likely need to reference the grammatical category of a word either in the source or target language. The initial transfer rules file that comes with FLExTrans has just a few sample grammatical categories. This tool will take the categories that are in the source and target FLEx projects and insert them as tags under the specific attribute called a_gram_cat in the transfer rules file. The list of grammatical categories will be a complete list of all the unique categories in both projects.

(27) shows what the a_gram_cat attribute might look like after running this tool.


4.5.3 Inflection Features

Click the appropriate check box as shown in (26) to populate attributes in your transfer rules that correspond to the inflection features in both of your FLEx projects. Click the overwrite check box to change existing attributes in your transfer rule file with the inflection features from the FLEx projects.

4.5.4 Inflection Classes

Click the appropriate check box as shown in (26) to populate attributes in your transfer rules that correspond to the inflection classes in both of your FLEx projects. Click the overwrite check box to change existing attributes in your transfer rule file with the inflection classes from the FLEx projects.

4.5.5 Template Slots

Click the appropriate check box as shown in (26) to populate attributes in your transfer rules that correspond to template slots in both of your FLEx projects. Click the overwrite check box to change existing attributes in your transfer rule file with the template slots from the FLEx projects.

4.6 The Synthesis Test Tool

The Generate All Parses Tool provides a way to test whether your Target Project is ready for the Synthesis stage of FLExTrans. It allows you to choose a specific inflectional template from your FLEx project and generate all possible forms that are allowed by that template. This allows you to review the forms to ensure they are all valid forms. If not, that is an indication of further work needed on the morphological description in the FLEx project. It does not attempt to generate for any category without a template, and it does not attempt to generate with derivational affixes.

The output can be limited to a specific part of speech, a certain number of roots, and/or a specific Citation Form. It is a good idea to limit the output when starting out, because it can easily become quite large.

Note that for this test, any active template must have at least one affix in each of its slots. If you have any slots with no affixes in them, it is recommended to set that template to "inactive" for this test. (Untick the box labeled "Active" in the description of the template in Category Edit in FLEx.)

4.6.1 Running the Test

To use this tool, change to the Synthesis Test collection. This will bring up the standard FLExTrans modules that are needed for synthesis, plus the Generate All Parses module, as shown in (28).


To run the Synthesis Test:

  1. First open the FLExTrans Settings (as described in 3.2).
  2. In the top section, set the Target Project to the FLEx project you want to use for the synthesis test. Click the button to register the change. Then reopen the FLExTrans Settings to update the setting values that apply to the Target Project. (The Source Project has no effect for the Synthesis Test.)
  3. Scroll down to the Synthesis Test section, as shown in (29).
  4. Select the Part of Speech you want to test. The test currently requires at least one POS value to be selected.
  5. You can further restrict how much is generated, either by limiting the number of stems to use for generation, or limiting it to a specific Citation Form. (When limiting the number of stems, the logic it uses for choosing stems is not obvious, and it uses the same criteria each time.) Click the button.
  6. Back in the FLExTrans window, click the Run All button to run all the modules. It will choose which synthesis module to use based on the value for the Use HermitCrab synthesis setting (see section 2.1.2).
  7. Output will go to two files, as specified in the settings. If you have not changed the defaults, the underlying parses will go to Output\words-uf.txt and the list of surface words will go to Output\target_text-syn.txt.

If you wish to try this module out on the Swedish sample project, use the settings to limit the POS to Noun (n), since that is the only category with a template in this project. When you run it, the output will overgenerate. That is, it will create forms that are not valid forms in Swedish. However, this is a good example of what the output will look like when you have started setting up your template, but have not yet added all the constraints (such as Inflection Features or Inflection Classes) that will fine tune the output.

4.6.2 Debugging Synthesis

There are various reasons synthesis may fail or may generate incorrect parses. Below are a few debugging steps, but there are many more possible causes.

  1. Make sure glosses of affixes are unique.
  2. If you have allomorphs, make sure they have appropriate environments and are ordered from most specific to least specific.
    1. The XAmple synthesis module tests allomorphs in the order they are listed, testing the Lexeme Form last, as the "elsewhere allomorph". If an allomorph with an overly generous environment occurs before one that describes a subset of that environment, it will block application of the later allomorph.
    2. If any allomorph has no environment, then once the synthesis module reaches it, that one will be accepted, and no further allomorphs will be tested. It becomes the de facto elsewhere allomorph, and blocks any later ones.
  3. Even if two morphemes are allowed by the templates to co-occur, if they have conflicting inflection features, that combination will be disallowed. These may come out as %0%word% in the output, indicating that a sequence was created based on the templates, but it was disallowed based on other constraints. It is not necessarily a problem if you see some of these lines in the output.

Although having a thorough parser setup is not necessary to use a project for synthesis, having at least some of it working provides a really good start for synthesis. See Black, (2014) for more details about setting up parsing effectively for either parser.

4.7 The Rule Assistant

The Rule Assistant helps you write Apertium transfer rules for common situations such as agreement in a phrase. It can help for the following situations:

  1. Agreement in the phrase such as gender and number agreement between adjective and noun.
  2. Bantu gender agreement.
  3. Reordering constituents in a phrase.
  4. Turning a source word into a target affix.
  5. Turning a source affix into a target word.
  6. Rearranging affix order – including deleting affixes or adding affixes.

For enforcing agreement between phrase constituents you must assign the appropriate feature in FLEx to the affixes or stems involved.

For detailed help on using the Rule Assistant, consult the help file the comes with the Rule Assistant. You can get to this help file by clicking on the Help button, then on User Documentation.

4.8 The Text In Rules Tool

The Text In Rules Tool helps you test a set of search and replace operations to be used to fix up the text that comes out of Paratext. Regular expressions can be used if desired.

All the active rules defined in this tool are used in the Import Text From Paratext module. The newly imported text in FLEx will have the changes applied. This is very helpful for those situations where you may not have editing permission of the Paratext text, but some cleanup of the text is needed.


The rules defined in this tool are run sequentially with the output of one rule being the input for the next one. Use the up and down arrow buttons to change the order of the rules. The two buttons next to the arrow buttons will select or unselect all the rules for testing.

The interface is pretty self explanatory. To edit a rule first click on it in the list, make your changes and then click the Update button. You will see the edited form now in the list.

If the search and replace lines are Regular Expressions, check the Regular Expression check box. See the FLEx help on how to use Regular Expressions or various websites that explain the Regular Expression language.

The Wildebeest cleanup tool is something that can fix or normalize many character problems. For example, it can repair characters that have encoding errors. Click the link to find out more about what can be normalized with it. You can use the default cleanup steps that come with the Wildebeest cleanup tool, all of the steps or mix and match steps using the Add and Skip boxes. For example, put the step look-alike into the Add box to add this normalization step. For multiple Add or Skip steps, separate the steps with spaces. Some steps require an ISO 639-3 language code. Note: Wildebeest cleanup tool steps are run before the rules you define.

Use the Test button to check that your rules are doing what you expect.

4.9 The Text Out Rules Tool

The Text Out Rules Tool helps you test a set of search and replace operations to be used to fix up the text that comes out of the Synthesize Text module. It basically is identical to the Text In Rules Tool, except it is used in a different part of the FLExTrans process, namely the end of the process. The rules created here are distinct from the other rules. Use this tool to make any changes to the translated text before you bring it into another tool like FLEx or Paratext. This tool does not have the Wildebeest cleanup tool, since it is assumed the text has been normalized previously.

There is a separate module that must be added to the Drafting collection of modules (typically after Synthesize Text) to make use of the rules defined in the Text Out Rules Tool. This module is called Fix Up Synthesis Text. This module will run all the rules you have defined. See Section 3.3 for help on adding a module to a collection.


4.10 The Replacement Dictionary Editor

The Replacement Dictionary Editor allows you to link source senses in certain inflections to target senses that are different than the normal link for the sense. Likewise you can link certain uninflected source senses to inflected target senses that are different than the normal link. For example, in the last line of (33) you can see that quëda1.1 with the affixes CAUS and REF is linked to chari1.1 with affixes REF and UP. Whereas normally, quëda1.1 (uninflected or in other inflections) links to kïda1.1. In line 1 you can see an OBJ affix is added to the target word rimëru1.1 is linked to. In line 6 you can see an affix is removed from the target word that sinö1.1 is linked to. (These last two examples could be done with a very specific transfer rule, but making the change at the lexical transfer level makes good sense.)

The rows that are listed in this tool augment the bilingual lexicon. If the source information in a row is exactly the same as the default bilingual lexicon entry, this replacement dictionary entry will override the default entry.

The buttons for the tool are pretty self-explanatory. When editing or adding information, start typing in the Lemma cell and a list will appear as you type. Tab or click elsewhere to have the tool automatically fill in the grammatical category and/or features and classes.

The information displayed in this tool is stored in a replacement dictionary file typically called replace.dix.


5 Cluster Project Support

FLExTrans works great in cluster projects. You can leverage the approval of an interlinear text in the source language to produce translations of the text in multiple target languages.

FLExTrans supports cluster projects by allowing you to define which FLEx projects are in your cluster. You do this in the FLExTrans Settings. See (34). Then this information is used in various tools to allow you to apply the tool to multiple FLEx projects at once. See tool images below that show support for cluster projects.


6 A Tutorial on Writing Transfer Rules[4]

Writing transfer rules is not as tricky as it might seem. People generally understand the basic concepts, but they sometimes struggle with the formalism. Maybe one of the reasons people struggle is that the formalism mixes declarative and procedural statements. This tutorial should help you get used to writing transfer rules.

6.1 Overview

Here’s a brief overview:

6.1.1 Some Formalities

Before starting, it is important to get an idea of what we can’t do, before explaining what we can.

6.1.2 Approaching the Process of Writing Transfer Rules

Think bottom up, not top down. Start with a question like “What is the simplest and best equivalent for dative in a language which does not have dative?” not “How can I change SOV order to SVO order?”

6.1.3 Lexical Transfer and Structural Transfer

We don’t want to confuse the roles of lexical transfer and structural transfer. There is a grey area between the two, but there are also big parts that don’t overlap.

A rule-of-thumb is, if the rule applies to all words in a category, it probably wants to be treated in the structural transfer; if it applies to just part of those words, then maybe it needs to be dealt with in the lexical transfer.

Lexical transfer for a three word text looks like (39). In other words, the bilingual dictionary maps a source word to target word. In FLExTrans you don’t normally need to examine the bilingual dictionary, but conceptually it looks like this. Open the bilingual.dix in the XML Mind editor for the details.

slword1.1 somecat -> tlword1.1 somecat
slword12.1 somecat blah -> tlword31.2 somecat foo
slword33.1 somecat blah -> tlword21.1 somecat GD

The output of the structural transfer would look like (40).

tlword1.1 somecat tlword31.2 somecat foo tlword21.1 somecat GD

When you are in the structural transfer stage, you have access to both the source and target sides. How Lexical Transfer is Processed

This isn’t critical information that you have to know, but gives insight into what’s going on. Feel free to skip this section.

Given an input lexical unit shown in (41):

slword1.1 cat1 aff2 aff3

If we have the following in the bilingual dictionary:


Which gives the following mapping in terms of lexical units:

slword1.1 cat1 aff2 -> tlword1.1 cat1

We will get this target-language output from the lexical-transfer module:

tlword1.1 cat1 aff3

Note that the target-language lexical form, as defined in the bilingual dictionary entry in (42), is produced by replacing two tags on the source side (i.e. cat1 aff2) with one tag on the target side (i.e. cat1).

Important: any source language tags not matched in the bilingual dictionary entry are copied into the output on the target language side. In our example, aff3 in (41) gets copied to the final output in (44).

6.1.4 Some Preliminaries

The transfer rule file is written in an XML format and in FLExTrans it is named transfer_rules.t1x[5]. We could do all the editing of the transfer rules in a text editor, but by using the structured editor XMLmind XML Editor we not only get a graphical user interface, but also verification that the rule file we are writing is valid. In fact the XMLmind XML Editor and the add-ons for FLExTrans make it hard to write an invalid rule file.

6.1.5 Overview of a Transfer File

It’s hard to give a step-by-step overview of what a transfer file looks like because there is quite a lot of obligatory parts that need to go into even the most basic file. But, it’s important to get a general view before we go into the details. Here is an example in which I’m deliberately not going to use linguistic names for the different parts to try and avoid assumptions.


You should see this same thing when you open the file transfer_rules.t1x (FLExTrans Documentation\Transfer Rules Tutorial\Croatian-English folder) in the XMLmind XML Editor. (Expand all the elements.)

The transfer file is divided into two main parts: a declaration section and a rules section. The rules section uses information from the declaration section. In fact, every kind of reference you make in the rules section, you have to declare in the declaration section. The rules section is clearly denoted by the element Rules. All of the elements above Rules are part of the declaration section. In (45) a minimal amount of declarations are shown, namely the Categories, Attributes, and Variables elements. (The elements Lists and Macros are not shown.)

Rules have two main parts: the pattern definition and the actions to be carried out.

The pattern element is what determines if Apertium runs the rule or not. If the input word or words match the pattern, Apertium will run the rule. The thing that goes in the item sub-element of the pattern element is a list of one or more categories (from the declaration section) you want to match.

The action element contains the steps you want to perform in the rule, generally ending with an output element where you output lexical units into the data stream. Note how declared attributes are used in the action element. Categories and attributes are discussed more below.

6.1.6 How Rules are Applied

Rules are applied when a pattern is matched in the source language input data stream. Which patterns are matched in which order goes like this: the longest patterns are attempted first and then successive shorter patterns are attempted. When there is more than one pattern of the same length, the pattern that comes first in the file is attempted first followed by the rest in order.

Patterns do not overlap. Once a pattern is matched, the matched words are processed and not considered again for any other patterns. In other words, the source language words are processed sequentially in chunks. Cf. “How does pattern matching work?”.

6.2 Practical Example

Input: Otišla si tiho i bez pozdrava
Output: You left quietly and without a word

Let’s do an exercise where the goal is to turn a sentence in Croatian into English. The input and desired output is shown in (46).

6.2.1 Getting Set Up

  1. There are two FLEx projects already set up that we are going to use. You will find them in the FLExTrans Documentation\Transfer Rules Tutorial folder. They are called Croatian-FLExTrans-Sample ... .fwbackup and English-FLExTrans-Sample ... .fwbackup. Double-click on them one by one to restore them into FLEx.
  2. In the same folder, you'll find a folder named Croatian-English. Copy the folder and navigate to the FLExTrans\WorkProjects folder and Paste it there.
  3. Start FLExTools. See A.1 for step-by-step instructions.
  4. Verify that the status bar shows the current collection is set to Drafting.

6.2.2 Lexical Transfer

For the purposes of this example, we are going to use some prepared data. We have a Croatian text that is already analyzed and we have small Croatian and English lexicons with all of the entries and senses that we need.

Let’s see what our input and output looks like initially if we run the system. Our input of course, according to (46) is: Otišla si tiho i bez pozdrava.

  1. Go to the FLExTools app.
  2. Click the Run All button to run all the FLExTrans modules.
  3. Open the English-FLExTrans-Sample FLEx project.
  4. In the Texts and Words view, refresh the screen and click on the text titled “Left Behind”.

You should see:

Leavepfvptcp f sg beprssg2 quietly and without wordgen sg

Clearly we have some work to do, but at least three words look good. (47) is what we get using straight lexical transfer. In other words, English word-senses are substituted for Croatian word-senses. The sample transfer rule we are using (shown in (45)) is having no influence during the transfer process.

Let’s look at the input and output in data stream format.

Input:[6] Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2 tiho1.1 adv i1.1 coordconn bez1.1 prep pozdrav1.1 n gen_sg
Output:[7] Leave1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg be1.1 cop prs sg 2 quietly1.1 adv and1.1 coordconn without1.1 prep word1.1 n gen_sg

6.2.3 Thinking it Through

Let’s think about what changes we need to make in order to convert the output shown in (48) into an adequate form for target language synthesis. NB: If we want to change information, it’s a procedure; if we want to output information or not output information, it’s a declaration. Procedures

  1. If the source language grammatical category tag is ptcp_f_sg, change the target language tag to pst[8] Declarations

  1. Output a subject pronoun which takes its person and number information from the auxiliary verb.
  2. Output the main verb with information on category and tense (but not aspect).
  3. Do not output the auxiliary verb biti, “be”.
  4. Output nouns with their grammatical category (but not number or case). Work Order

So, what order do we do these in? Well it doesn’t really matter. An experienced FLExTrans linguist would probably do it in two steps, but for pedagogical purposes, we’re going to split it up into five steps: Cheat Sheet

Here is what the input and output data stream of each of the above steps will look like:

Step Input Output
1 Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2 Leave1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg
2 Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2 Leave1.1 v pfv pst
3 Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2 Leave1.1 v pst
4 Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2 Propers1.1 pro nom 2 sg leave1.1 v pst
5 pozdrav1.1 n gen_sg word1.1 n

6.2.4 Implementation

Let’s see what data stream output we get for the first two words right now. To do this we will use the Live Rule Tester Tool which is a great tool for applying a single rule to one or more words and checking the result. See section 4.2.

  1. Close the English-FLExTrans-Sample FLEx project.
  2. Bring up the FLExTools app.
  3. Click the Tools collection.
  4. Select the Live Rule Tester Tool module.
  5. Click on the Run button.
  6. Check the first two Croatian words.
  7. Click on the Transfer button.

Your Live Rule Tester Tool should look like this:


In the blue box we have the input data stream for the first two (checked) Croatian words:

Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2

This matches what we have in the cheat sheet in (49).

In the green box we have the output data stream after the sample rule is applied.

Leave1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg be1.1 cop prs sg 2

Since we haven’t done anything, it doesn’t yet match our output goal for step one in the cheat sheet. Step 1

  1. Define the categories we need in transfer_rules.t1x. Replace the dummy Categories element with:


    You may be wondering how you get a new category element inserted. It is straightforward:

    1. Click on the word “category”. The whole element becomes outlined in a red rectangle.
    2. Now either right-click and choose Insert After... or click on the button (upper right side) or press Ctrl-J.
    3. At this point a list of elements to insert shows up in the upper right pane as shown in (54).
    4. Choose in this case def-cat(category) since we only need one tags element. (By the way, this insert procedure will present only valid elements that can be inserted at this point in the rules file.)

    Why do we need .* in the tags elements? This is because of how the matching system for categories works. In the middle of tag sequences, a * is counted as a single tag. At the end, it is counted as any sequence of tags. So, what we have is v followed by any tag, followed by ptcp_f_sg.

    Note: we are using the convention of starting all categories with “c_”.

  2. Edit the example rule and replace the pattern as shown. Also change the rule comment to “Past Construction”.

    Trick: Click in the pink area of the item element and press F11. You will get a list of possible categories that can be used in this element. The list looks like (56).


    By using this pattern we will detect a participle followed by the auxiliary. Once detected, the rule will run.

    Notice that the example rule as written outputs only the first among two lexical units as seen in (57) (“item: 1” means the first item or word). We are not outputting the 2nd word. The result is that our biti1.1 word will disappear.

  3. Test it in the Live Rule Tester Tool.
    1. Save the rule file.
    2. Bring up the Live Rule Tester Tool.
    3. Click the Refresh Rules button to reload the modified rule file.
    4. Click on the Transfer button. (This time you will notice some text in the yellow information box. This shows which rules matched which input words.)

    The result is:

    Leave1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg

    Great! Step 2

  1. Replace the dummy attribute element with an attribute that gives possible values of the tense feature.

    So, now that we’ve gotten rid of the verb “be”, we want to change the tag for tense from ptcp_f_sg to pst. This will involve using a procedure statement, explicitly telling the transfer what we want to change. But before that, we need to define which possible values our feature can take. We do this with the attribute element. Let’s call it “a_tense”. Note we are using the convention of starting all attributes with “a_”.

    Add the following under the Attributes element:
  2. Write a statement which changes the tense on the target language. This statement should go immediately after the action element and before the output element. Make sure you select the target lang. property.
    Trick: Click in the brown area of the part property and press F11. You will get a list of possible attributes that can be used in this element. The list looks like (61).
    (Note: the statement in (60) will always change the target language tag to pst, even if the input is not ptcp_f_sg. This is good enough for our current example, but for a description of how conditional logic works, see Section 8.2.8.

  3. Now test it in the Live Rule Tester Tool. (Don’t forget to refresh the rules first!)

    The result is:

    Leave1.1 v pfv pst

    Excellent! Step 3

So far we have been outputting the whole target language lexical unit, as seen in (64) below.

An important thing to know about lexical transfer is that any source language tags not matched in the bilingual dictionary are copied into the output on the target language side. In our case, pfv pst are the tags that get copied from source to target because, in the bilingual dictionary (bilingual.dix), otići1.1 v maps to leave1.1 v. All we need is the pst tag; we don’t need the pfv tag, so we need to declare that it should not be outputted.

  1. Define the features that we want to output.

    We have already defined the attribute “tense”: the only remaining tag we need to output is the grammatical category, i.e. v meaning verb. So, make a new attribute element for grammatical category.[9]
  2. Declare which attributes we want to output.

    So, now that we’ve got our two attributes defined, let’s change our output statement: (You will have to open the output element with the plus sign.)

    Where we previously had:
    Replace it with:
    The last two attributes we know, as we’ve just added them. The “lem” attribute is a predefined feature which corresponds to lemma, i.e. the part before the tags. In this example it would be leave1.1. There are other predefined features, but if you remember this one and “whole” which corresponds to the whole lexical unit, you have the main ones.

  3. Now test it in the Live Rule Tester Tool. (Don’t forget to refresh the rules first!)

    The result is:

    Leave1.1 v pst

    Woo! What just happened was that we magically deleted the unwanted pfv tag by not specifying that we wanted it. Tag deletion is thus not stated as tag deletion (tag → 0), but by not declaring it.

    Now we should have a lexical form for “leave” which we can synthesize. Let’s give it a go. Click the Synthesize button.

    In the red box you should see:


    And if you click on the rest of the check boxes to select all of the Croatian words and click the Transfer and Synthesize buttons again you should see:

    Left quietly and without wordgen sg

    This looks a lot better than our initial results in (47). The word Left is now there correctly. It’s beyond the scope of this exercise to explain in detail how the synthesis works in this case, but the tag pst matches the feature pst on the variant form of the verb leave. See section 8.3.4 for more details.

    We’re getting there, now let’s move on to the next step. Step 4

To recap, the input we’ve been working with is:

Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg biti1.1 cop prs sg 2

And our current output is:

Leave1.1 v pst

What we now need to do is take the information from the (not outputted) verb biti “be” and use it to output a personal pronoun before the verb. Remember that when we do not output something we are not deleting it. It is still there in the input, we are just choosing not to put it in the output.

The pronoun that we want to output looks like (71). If we get it in this form, it will synthesize into the word you.

propers1.1 pro nom 2 sg

Important: We need to remember to output the 1.1 after the word and not just propers. Even though in the target FLEx project the lexeme form is propers, FLExTrans automatically adds the homograph number (1 because it’s the first and only homograph) and the sense number (1 because it’s the first sense). If we mistakenly use propers instead of propers1.1, the word won’t synthesize because FLExTrans won’t find propers in its internal dictionary. This use of x.x after the word helps FLExTrans identify each unique sense in the dictionary.

  1. Output a skeleton pronoun.

    So, we need to take the person and number information from the verb “be”, and the rest we need to just declare to be outputted. Let’s start with outputting the string propers1.1 pro nom; we won’t worry about the 2 sg tags yet.

  2. Insert a new lexical unit before our current lexical unit element and make it look like (72).

    You can do an Insert Before... and choose lu(lexical_unit_lit-string) then click on the literal string, do an Insert After... and choose lit-tag(literal_tag). The blank space element comes after and is indented at the same level as lexical unit.

    The lexical unit statement means we are outputting a word[10]. The literal string element outputs the given string of characters, and the literal tag element outputs a tag sequence[11]. Multiple tags are separated by a period, so in this case we are outputting two tags: pro and nom. The blank space element outputs a single space character.

  3. Define features for person and number.

    The next step is to declare the features from the verb “be” to output. To do this we need to again define some attributes and their possible values. Add this:
  4. We then go back to our skeleton pronoun and add the missing features. So that it looks like (74).

    Click on the literal tag element and Insert After... and choose clip(clip_source_language). Do this twice.

    Note that we are “clipping” (copying a part of a string which matches a pattern) from position 2, i.e. the verb “be”. To be clearer, the first clip statement in (74) makes a copy of the part of the lexical unit in position 2, on the source language side, which matches one of the patterns defined in the attribute element “a_pers” (which can be either 1, 2 or 3). If we look at the lexical transfer output which is internally coming from the bilingual dictionary for position 2, this will become clearer:

    biti1.1 cop prs sg 2 -> be1.1 cop prs sg 2
    |                ||   |              |
    |           person|   |              |
    |_________________|   |______________|
      source language      target language
    If we tried to clip from position 1 (Otići1.1 v pfv ptcp_f_sg), we would get no result for the person attribute because the verb in position 1 does not contain any tags which match the tags in the definition for person.

  5. Now test it in the Live Rule Tester Tool. (Go back to having just Otišla and si checked.)

    The result is:

    propers1.1 pro nom 2 sg Leave1.1 v pst

    Select all the Croatian words, do Transfer and Synthesize and see what our English sentence looks like.

    Now we get:

    you Left quietly and without wordgen sg

    We get the second person singular pronoun that we wanted, but this is not totally satisfying because you should be capitalized and Left should not be. Let’s fix that.

    1. We want to be careful, because we don’t want you capitalized in all circumstances. For example, if the Croatian past tense clause is embedded in another phrase, the first word may not be capitalized. What we can do is check what the capitalization of the verb is and apply that same capitalization to the pronoun. Make your lexical unit element look like (78):
      Notice how the literal string element is indented under the get case from element. This means that it is a child element of the get case from element. To accomplish this, XMLmind XML Editor has a way to wrap an element around another element. This is what you do.
      1. Click on the words “literal string”. The whole element becomes outlined in a red rectangle.
      2. Either right-click and choose Convert [wrap]... or click on the button (upper right side) or press Ctrl-Shift-T.
      3. At this point a list of elements to insert shows up in the upper right pane. Choose get-case-from.
      4. Now set the item property to 1 and we will be getting the capitalization from the first word.

    2. Now we need to make the second lexical unit come out with the first letter in lower case. We could use the modify-case element, but we would have to add a new statement above the output element. Instead we can just use the same method as above to get the case from the second word. This time wrap the get case from element around the clip element that copies the lemma. This is shown below:
      Trick: Click on the word "clip" and type Ctrl-a. This will execute the last command you did in the XMLmind XML Editor again (namely wrap an element with the get case from element.)

    Transfer and Synthesize again.

    Now we get:

    You left quietly and without wordgen sg

    Looking good! Step 5

The last remaining thing to do is to not output the genitive or singular tags on the noun. We’re going to have to make a whole new rule to match nouns.

  1. Define a category for nouns.
  2. Make a new rule which matches nouns as defined by the previous category. To start with, we’ll just output the whole lexical unit.
  3. Add nouns to the grammatical category attribute element. Now it looks like this:
  4. Adjust the rule to output only the lemma and grammatical category.

    Now test it in the Live Rule Tester Tool, but this time check only the Croatian word pozdrava. Note: if you refresh the rules, the new Nouns rule will not automatically get checked in the rule list. Check the box for the new rule before testing it.

    Starting with:

    pozdrav1.1 n gen_sg

    The result is:

    word1.1 n

    And if we Synthesize we get:


    Close the Live Rule Tester Tool and run the modules in the Drafting to see what our English sentence looks like.

    Now we get:

    You left quietly and without word

    Success! Step 6

Step 6 is left as an exercise for the reader. Change the noun rule to output an indefinite article before the noun. You can do this by following the instructions for adding the pronoun, see “Step 4”. The string you need to output is a1.1 indf.

You can find the solution transfer file called solution.t1x in the FLExTrans\WorkProjects\Croatian-English folder.

You may think this was a lot of work to translate one sentence from Croatian to English, but consider the fact that now every Croatian past tense construction that occurs in a text will correctly be translated to English and every indefinite noun will also be handled.

7 The FLExTrans Testbed

The FLExTrans Testbed is a system designed to help you maintain the quality of your translations. It not uncommon, as you add new transfer rules to the system or change the lexicons, you mess up the results you were getting before. To help prevent this, it is very helpful to have a database of expected results for a certain inputs. This is called a testbed. After making significant changes to your translation system, you can re-run the testbed to make sure you are still getting the results you expect for words or sentences that you earlier deemed correct.

7.1 Workflow with the Testbed

This is the way you normally work with the testbed:

  1. Make a change to the system, e.g. add a new rule or other changes.
  2. Use the Live Rule Tester Tool to verify you are getting the results you expect.
  3. Click the Add to Testbed button to add one or more tests that prove source words are correctly translating to the target.
  4. Now run the testbed to verify that all your previous tests still give the expected result.
    1. Switch to the Run Testbed collection.
    2. Click the Run All button to run all the modules.
    3. Review the Testbed Log which will open at the end and show you the results of running the testbed.
  5. Make any adjustments as needed. Repeat. If you need to edit the testbed, open the file testbed.xml which is in the project folder in the XMLmind XML Editor.

7.2 Testbed Tools

FLExTrans has a collection of tools to help you maintain the testbed, run the testbed and see the results.

7.2.1 Testbed Log Viewer

This module you will find in both the Tools and Run Testbed collections. Simply run the module and you will see a log of all the times the testbed has been run with a summary of the results. The most recently run test opens and lets you see the details for each test. Hover over the Source Lexical Units of a test to see some pop-up text of which FLEx source text the words came from. If the rule was invalid, the pop-up text will also tell you why FLExTrans found the test invalid.


7.2.2 Start Testbed

This module you will find at the top of the Run Testbed collection. It initializes a test run and dumps all of the source lexical units in the testbed into the source_text.txt file.

7.2.3 End Testbed

This module you will find as the next to last module in the Run Testbed collection. It takes the results of running the transfer and synthesis processes (the source_text.txt file) and adds the tests run and whether they passed or not to the testbed log.

7.2.4 Live Rule Tester Tool

The Live Rule Tester Tool is a good place to add new tests to the testbed. See “The Live Rule Tester Tool” for more details.

7.2.5 Testbed Editing

It’s easiest to add new tests to the testbed while in the Live Rule Tester Tool. If you need to edit or delete a test, edit the file testbed.xml in the project folder with the XMLmind XML Editor.

FLExTrans How To’s

8.1 Complete Process for Translating One Verse (video)

8.2 Transfer Rule How To’s

8.2.1 How do I refer to affix glosses in transfer rules?

Important: if any of your affixes have a period in them, you refer to them replacing the period with an underscore. For example, 3s.S becomes 3s_S.

You generally refer to an affix using the clip element in your transfer rules. The part attribute of the clip element references an attribute usually and this attribute consists of potential tags which can be features or affix glosses.

If you are comparing a clip element to see if it matches an affix, you should use the literal tag element and write the gloss there. Remember the period-underscore substitution above.

8.2.2 How do I use the category element in the transfer rules?

Lexical categories are used to group words together. The grouping can be very broad such as verbs or very specific such as pronouns with feminine suffixes. The categories are used in the pattern matching system of transfer rules.


(90) is an example of a lexical category for indefinite nominals. The period indicates where a new tag begins. The asterisk is a wildcard indicator. It means that anything can fill that position. An asterisk at the end of the item matches one or more final tags. For example, if I have the lexical unit book1.1 n f sg, it could be precisely matched by a tags element containing n.f.sg. More generally we could match book with the tags element containing n.f.*. This would refer to all words that have the grammatical category n followed by the tag f followed by anything else, i.e. feminine nouns. (90) defines the set of all indefinite nouns — words that have the grammatical category n or n-irreg followed by ind and optionally something else afterward. Note that n.ind and n.ind.* are both necessary because n.ind.* would require some affix after ind and not match an indefinite noun like car1.1 n ind that has no additional suffixes.

If you use * in the middle of the tags definition, it means one or more tags occur in that position. For example, n.*.pl would match both n f pl and n ind f pl. Important: unlike the meaning of * in regular expressions, it never means zero occurrences. So, n.*.pl would not match n pl. To match this you would need an additional tags element n.pl to cover this case.

You can use the lemma element to identify a specific word-sense. (91) shows how the category dem_this can be defined as a word that has a grammatical category of dem and lemma this1.1 (in FLEx: headword this1 , sense 1). This might be useful when you want to match phrases containing the word this.


8.2.3 How do I use the attribute element in the transfer rules?

Attributes are defined in the rule file in order to identify possible values for word characteristics. An example is shown in (92).


Certain words may have affixes that indicate grammatical number. (92) defines the possible values for the number attribute as being sg (singular) or pl (plural). Like lexical categories, these refer to tags in the data stream. Attributes are used within rules to get or set values.

8.2.4 How does pattern matching work?

The Apertium transfer engine searches for patterns in your source text. The patterns it searches for are those defined for each rule you have. Some patterns may be one word, some patterns may be multiple words. The transfer engine tries to match the longest patterns first and then progressively goes to shorter and shorter patterns. This means a five-word pattern would be used before a three-word pattern (assuming a set of words would match both patterns.) When there are multiple patterns of the same length, the first one listed gets precedence. This means in some cases the order of your rules will be important.

The transfer engine searches for matches in your words in sequential order starting with the first word. It will never find a match at some point in a text and then go back earlier in the text.

Another important concept is that the transfer engine processes words just once for whatever pattern is matched. After they are processed, the words are not examined again for any other matches. In other words, patterns cannot apply in an overlapping manner. For example, if you have a rule that matches determiner-noun and another one that matches noun-adjective, when a sentence of the form determiner-noun-adjective is processed. The engine uses the rule that is listed first and then discards the three words and continues on to other words. The second rule does not get applied. Another way to describe it is to say that the engine processes words in distinct chunks.

If the Apertium transfer engine finds a match, it runs the action part of your rule. If the engine finds no match for a word, it does default translation of it according to what is in the bilingual dictionary. Cf. “How Rules are Applied”.

8.2.5 How do I delete a word from the target output? (How do I prevent a source word from being transferred to the target text?)

The short answer is don’t output it. In other words, don’t declare that it should be outputted into the target data stream.

When you match two or more words in the pattern section of a transfer rule, you can choose to only list some of the words in the output section. This is exactly what we did in “Step 1” of the tutorial. In (57) we only declared that the word in position 1 should be outputted.

8.2.6 How do I insert a word into the target output?

Naturally to add something to the target output, we need to add something to the output part of our transfer rule. And what goes in output part the of our transfer rule? Lexical units. We need to insert a lexical unit block under the output element of our transfer rule. The bare minimum we need for a lexical unit is the word-sense and the grammatical category. If we are manually outputting a word-sense, we need to use a literal string element and the text needs to be of the form word1.2. Where 1 would be the homograph number (if there isn’t one in FLEx, use 1) and 2 would be the sense number. In this case the second sense of the word. (93) shows how it might look.


Of course you can output affixes or clitics as well. These would be additional literal string elements. Remember the first literal tag is the grammatical category, all subsequent tags are affixes and the like. If you have a valid word-sense and its corresponding grammatical category, FLExTrans will look up this word-sense in the target FLEx lexicon and use it in the final synthesis process.

If you have other lexical units that you will be outputting, remember to put a blank space element so that you get a space between your words. This is shown in (72). “Step 4” of the transfer rules tutorial shows an example of inserting a word into the target output.

8.2.7 How do I delete an affix?

There are two methods for deleting an affix. You can either set the value for that affix (attribute) to blank or you can not declare that the affix (attribute) gets outputted.

  1. Method 1. Use the let element to set an attribute’s value to blank. See (94).
    Here we are overriding whatever is in the tense attribute (a_tense) with a blank string. Whenever the tense affix gets outputted, it will be outputted as nothing. As an example, in (95) the whole word is outputted with all its attributes.
  2. Method 2. In the Output element, explicitly declare each attribute of the word that you want to output. Don’t include the attribute that needs to be deleted.
    In (96) you can see that the lemma is outputted and then the grammatical category and then two attribute. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to explicitly declare every possible attribute that could occur. Where as in (95) in Method 1, you just have to output the whole word.

8.2.8 How do I use conditional logic in a transfer rule? (How do I say if this ... then that?) (video)

In the transfer rules you have the ability to use conditional logic. Please watch this video for an explanation. Some conditional logic can be automatically created for you using the Rule Assistant. See Section 4.7. Also see examples of conditional logic in the sample rule called: Sample logic to copy and paste or in the file transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x.

8.2.9 How do I use a macro? (How can I repeat rule statements in multiple places?) (video)

In the transfer rules you have the ability to modularize your rules by putting repeated logic into a macro. Please watch this video for an explanation.

8.2.10 How do I handle noun agreement? (How do I get a target word or words to agree with a noun?) (video)

One main strategy for getting words to agree with a noun, is to make sure features are assigned to the noun and then in the transfer rules make the needed adjustment to the words you output depending on what the feature values (or class values) are. You can use the Rule Assistant to do this. See Section 4.7.

If you can't use the Rule Assistant for some reason and you want to see how to do this ‘manually’ in a sample language pair, please watch this video.

If you would like to try creating the rules along with the video, please follow the instructions in the file: Readme.txt in the FLExTrans\FLExTrans Documentation\Agreement folder. See the file transfer_rules - solution.t1x which shows the form of the rules shown in the video.

8.2.11 How do I use the Sample logic that’s in the transfer rules file?

Each sample logic block starts with a comment shown in yellow. Read through each of the most outdented comments to see what kind of logic matches your need. When you find one, click on the first black word under the comment. That will select the block (outlined in red). Now you can copy that block and put it into your own rule. There's also a file called transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x you can copy and paste from that rule file as well.

8.2.12 How do I use special elements in my rules? and

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if two things are true, you can use the and element and then list two equal elements. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy an and element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(97) append to

Inside of a let element you normally copy the value of the second element to the first element. See 8.2.7, method 1 for an example. With this element you can add to the end of the first element whatever is in the second element. For lemmas and literal strings this is straightforward. For example, you could append 1.1 to the end of praise to end up with the value praise1.1. For tags this is little different. You can't use append to add on to a tag, you can only use it to add a second tag. You could add the tag pl after the tag 3 so that there is now two tags pl and 3. You can't create a combined tag of 3pl this way.[12] The easiest way to produce this element is to simply use the Insert command, to put it into your rule.

Note: you can append multiple things to your primary element. Just add more elements under append to.

(98) begins with

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if something begins with a certain value, you can use the begins with element and then list two elements. The first element is the thing you are checking. The second element contains what you want the first element to begin with. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy a begins with element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(99) begins with something in list

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if something begins with a certain value, you can use the begins with something in list element and then list two elements. The first element is the thing you are checking. The second element contains the name of a list. The text to match can be anything in the given list. The list has to be defined separately in the Lists section of the rules file. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy a begins with something in list element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(100) concat

This element concatenates two or more things together.

The same thing regarding tags and literal strings as discussed in applies.

(101) contains substring

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if something ends with a certain value, you can use the contains substring element and then list two elements. The first element is the thing you are checking. The second element contains what you want to find in the first element. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy a contains substring element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(102) case of

Not needed. See or ends with

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if something ends with a certain value, you can use the begins with element and then list two elements. The first element is the thing you are checking. The second element contains what you want the first element to end with. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy a begins with element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(103) ends with something in list

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if something ends with a certain value, you can use the ends with something in list element and then list two elements. The first element is the thing you are checking. The second element contains the name of a list. The text to match can be anything in the given list. The list has to be defined separately in the Lists section of the rules file. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy a ends with something in list element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(104) get case from item

This element lets you change the case of something. It as the same function as the modify case element. But it helps you save the step of having to call modify case as a separate step. As you are using some piece of data, you can wrap this element around it to on-the-fly change its case. So instead of (108) as a separate step, could you use this element as in (105) to output the lemma for item 1, making it's case the same as item 2.

The easiest way to produce this element is to highlight an element such as clip or variable and then use the Wrap command to wrap an element around it and choose get-case-from.

(105) in list

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if a value matches something in a list, you can use the in list element and then list two elements. The first element is the thing you are checking. The second element contains the name of a list. The logic will be true if the first element match anything in the given list. The list has to be defined separately in the Lists section of the rules file. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy an in list element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(106) modify case

This element lets you change the case of something. Under modify case you have two elements. The first element is the thing that you want to change. The second element instructs the rule engine what kind of case to give it. You can use a literal string to intentionally change it to a certain case. See (107). Aa will change it to have the first letter capitalized. aa will change it to lower case. AA will change it to upper case. Or you can have it copy the case of a value that already exists. In (108) the case of the lemma of item 1 will be set to be the same case as the lemma of item 2.

The easiest way to produce this element is to simply use the Insert command, to put it into your rule.

(108) not

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if x is not equal to y, you can use the not element and then list one equal element inside it. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy a not element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.

(109) or

Inside of a test element you normally have an equal element. This allows you to see if x is equal to y. But if you want to test to see if either one of two things is true, you can use the or element and then list two equal elements. The easiest way to bring this element into your rule is to copy an or element from the Sample logic rule or from the transfer_rules-Sample1.t1x file.


8.3 Other How To’s

8.3.1 How do I view the bilingual lexicon?

You can view the bilingual lexicon by double-clicking on the file bilingual.dix in the Output folder or click on the View Bilingual Lexicon button in the Live Rule Tester Tool. An example portion of a bilingual lexicon is shown in (111).


8.3.2 How do I run a synthesis self-test on a text in my Target Project?

To test whether a Target Project is set up so the words in a specific text will synthesize correctly (without worrying about the source project or transfer rules), do the following:

  1. In FLEx, in your Target Project, create a text with the words you want to test for synthesis. For example, a paradigm, or some canonical sentence frames, or a particular text fragment. Analyze these words and approve all the analyses.
  2. Create or edit a Transfer Rules file that simply deletes features from any category that has them. The file identity_rules.t1x in the FLExTrans Documentation\Synthesis Self-Test folder is an example of that, set up for the Spanish sample project.
  3. In FLExTools, set the Source FLEx Project to the Target Project. (Remember to change this back, when you go back to working with two projects.)
  4. In FLExTrans, use the FLExTrans Settings to do the following:
    1. Verify the Target Project is set to your Target Project.
    2. Set the Transfer Rules File to identity_rules.t1x. (Remember to change this when you go back to working with two projects.)
    3. Choose the text you want to work on.
  5. In FLExTrans, in the Drafting collection, use Run All to process the text and insert the result into the Target FLEx Project.
    1. It will go into a text with the same name, with (Copy) appended.
    2. Compare this output with your original text.
    3. Any differences between them reflect what would happen if you used this text in a transfer process with a different source language, and they probably need to be fixed.
  6. You can try this method with the Spanish sample project in FLExTrans Documentation\Synthesis Self-Test to get an idea of how it works.

8.3.3 I have a source word that maps to two different target words depending on the inflection of the source word. How do I handle that?

You can handle this by using the Replacement Dictionary Editor to add additional mappings to the bilingual lexicon.

The bilingual lexicon is a mapping of source word-senses to target word-senses. There are no inflectional affixes present in the bilingual lexicon. That's the way FLExTrans builds it. In theory, though, there could be inflectional features or classes present. An example portion of a bilingual lexicon is shown in (112). You can view the bilingual lexicon by double-clicking on the file bilingual.dix in the Output folder or click on the View Bilingual Lexicon button in the Live Rule Tester Tool.


In order to have a word map differently than what is in the bilingual lexicon, you need to add a new line to the replacement dictionary. See “The Replacement Dictionary Editor”.

8.3.4 How do I handle inflectional variants in the target language? (video)

To learn how FLExTrans can handle these kind of variants, please watch this video.

The key thing in the techniques explained in the videos is to get inflectional features assigned to Irregularly Inflected Form variants that match exactly the suffixes that would normally be used.

If you would like to try doing the same thing while watching the video, please follow the instructions in the file: Readme.txt in the FLExTrans\FLExTrans Documentation\Irregular Form folder.

8.3.5 How do I handle inflectional variants in the source language? (video)

To learn how FLExTrans can handle these kind of variants, please watch this video.

The key thing in the techniques explained in the videos is to get inflectional features assigned to Irregularly Inflected Form variants that match exactly the suffixes that would normally be used.

If you would like to try doing the same thing while watching the video, please follow the instructions in the file: Readme.txt in the FLExTrans\FLExTrans Documentation\Irregular Form folder. Note: be sure to set the Source Text Name property in the FLExTrans Settings to Text2.

8.3.6 How do I deal with phrasal verbs using FLExTrans?

A phrasal verb is a verb that consists of two or more words. Often there is a verbal component and a non-verbal component. This discussion assumes that a verbal component is present.

If the source and target language both use a phrasal verb for a verbal concept and the non-verbal component(s) and verbal component individually match between the languages. You have nothing to worry about. Just link each component sense in the source to appropriate target sense.

If you have a situation where there isn't a match, there are steps you can take to have FLExTrans translate correctly. Let's take each situation in turn. The source uses a phrasal verb, but the target uses a normal verb.

In this case you want to link the entire source phrasal verb to the one-word target verb. Here are the steps:

  1. Create the phrasal verb as its own entry in the source FLEx project.
    1. In the source FLEx project create a custom category Verb Phrasal. (This is recommended, but not required.)
    2. Put the whole phrasal verb as the Lexeme Form.
    3. Set the Morph Type to phrase
    4. Set the Grammatical Info. to Verb Phrasal
    5. Set Components to the two words that form the phrasal verb. Note: the components should be the order they occur in the phrasal verb.[13]
    6. Set the Complex Form Type to Phrasal Verb
  2. Open the FLExTrans Settings.
  3. Change Source Complex Form Types to Phrasal Verb.
  4. Set the Source Text to a text that contains the phrasal verb.
  5. Run the Sense Linker Tool and link the phrasal verb sense to the appropriate target verb sense.

Now the source phrasal verb will correctly translate to the target verb. The source uses a normal verb, but the target uses a phrasal verb.

In this case you want to link the one-word source verb to the entire target phrasal verb. Here are the steps:

  1. Create the phrasal verb as its own entry in the target FLEx project.
    1. In the target FLEx project create a custom category Verb Phrasal. (This is recommended, but not required.)
    2. Put the whole phrasal verb as the Lexeme Form.
    3. Set the Morph Type to phrase
    4. Set the Grammatical Info. to Verb Phrasal
    5. Set Components to the two words that form the phrasal verb. Note: the components should be the order they occur in the phrasal verb.[13]
    6. Set the Complex Form Type to Phrasal Verb
  2. Open the FLExTrans Settings.
  3. Depending on whether the verb comes first or second in the two-word phrasal verb, change either Target Complex Form Types with Inflection on 1st Element or Target Complex Form Types with Inflection on 1st Element to Phrasal Verb.
  4. Set the Source Text to a text that contains the source verb.
  5. Run the Sense Linker Tool and link the source verb sense to the appropriate target phrasal verb sense.

Now the source verb will correctly translate to the target phrasal verb. The source uses a phrasal verb and the target also uses a phrasal verb (and the components don't match).

In this case you want to link the source phrasal verb to the target phrasal verb. Follow the first 3 steps in and, link the verbs and the source phrasal verb will now translate to the target phrasal verb.

8.3.7 I just copied my source FLEx project to become my target FLEx project. Is there a way to link all the senses?

There is a FLEx module called Link All Senses As Duplicate. This module is ideal when you duplicate one FLEx project to be another one. In such a situation all the sense ids are exactly the same so it can be a big head start to link all source senses to their matches in the target project. The end result is that you will have a link for every source sense to every corresponding target sense. To add this module to your Tools collection in the FLExTools app, see Section 3.3.

9 Troubleshooting

9.1 Synthesis Troubleshooting

One of the first things to do if you are getting synthesis errors is to put a word that is failing into the Try A Word window in the target FLEx project and see if it parses. If it doesn’t parse in FLEx, then don’t expect it to synthesize in FLExTrans. Figure out why it is not parsing in FLEx and then try synthesis again in FLExTrans.

There’s a check box in the Live Rule Tester Tool labelled Trace HermitCrab synthesis. When this is checked and you click the Synthesize button, the Live Rule Tester Tool will open a browser window showing a trace of what happened in the synthesis. This is similar to the output you see when tracing with Try A Word in FLEx.

9.2 Error Conditions

The following is a list of various errors you may see in the Live Rule Tester tool or in the final synthesized text.

Live Rule Tester Display Drafted Text Display Meaning Possible Solution
Zug1.1 @zug1.1 The lemma could not be found in the bilingual lexicon. Rebuild the Bilingual Lexicon.
älska1.1 älska1.1 i.e. a target lemma with numbers instead of a correctly formed target word. The target word could not be found in the target lexicon. First ensure the word is in the target lexicon. In the LRT, Refresh Target Lexicon. For a text, ensure FLExFLEx has saved everything.
lieben1.1 lieben1.1 i.e. a source lemma with numbers instead of a correctly formed target word. There was no link made to a Check the target lexicon to see if the sense exists. Run the SL to check the link exists.
Zug UNK @Zug The word was left unanalyzed in the source interlinear text. Analyze and approve the word in the source text. Ensure FLExFLEx has saved everything. If you intentionally don't want to analyze the word and want to keep its form, check Yes for the option Clean Up Unknown Target Words?
bilPL bilPL i.e. an affix that didn't get turned into its surface form. The affix could not be found in the target lexicon. Check the target lexicon for the affix with this gloss.
%0%bilar% %0%bilar% The given morphemes could not be synthesized into a word because of an incompatibility. Check that the word analyzes properly in target FLExFLEx project.
%0%^kon1.1<v>$% %0%^kon1.1<v>$%
(you should see a warning in the FLExTools output saying: One or more glosses not found: 'kon1.1';)
When using HermitCrab, this output could indicate that the root was not found in the target lexicon. Check the target lexicon.
siata1.1 prep mana1.1 prep %0%^siata1.1<prep><mana1.1><prep>$% FLExTrans is interpreting mana1.1 and the 2nd prep as affixes, likely because they were outputted in the same lexical unit as the first word. Correct the transfer rule that produced this to give a lexical unit block for each word.

10 Reference documents

The first version of FLExTrans was produced as part of a Master’s Thesis see Lockwood (2015). In 2018 and 2021 Ron presented papers about FLExTrans at the respective BT Conferences. See Lockwood (2018) and Lockwood (2021a). Also in 2021 Ron presented on Syntactic Parsing as a front-end to FLExTrans. See Lockwood (2021b).

A. Appendix

A.1 Starting FLExTools

Here are the steps:

  1. Navigate to the installation folder (typically Documents\FLExTrans\WorkProjects\[YourProject]).
  2. Double-click on the file FlexTools.vbs (a Visual Basic script file).
  3. The FLExTools window should appear which will look something like (1).

A.2 Data Stream Format

The Apertium data stream format consists of one or more lexical units. In FLExTrans, a lexical unit looks something like this:

take1.1 v 3sg[14], [15]

Where take1[16] is the headword from FLEx. The 1.1 subscript means homograph one, sense one. The grammatical category is colored in blue and all other tags are colored in green.



FLExTools is a general purpose program for running python scripts against a FLEx database.


You may choose a different name for the custom field, but you also have to update the FLExTrans Settings to match the name. The name Target Equivalent is already defined in the settings that get installed with FLExTrans.


The text will be taken from the Target Output Synthesis File as defined in the settings. This is the file created by the Synthesize Text module.


For this tutorial I am basically reproducing the Apertium article A long introduction to transfer rules. I am mainly modifying it to show the XMLmind XML Editor method of editing the transfer rules, but also the FLExTrans process is assumed instead of the Apertium process.


The 1 in .t1x stands for the first structural transfer pass. This is the only file we worry about when doing a shallow-transfer system. For advanced-transfer, you use three rule files, and the extensions .t2x and .t3x are also used.


You would see this if you use the View Source/Target Apertium File Tool. It is the friendly view of the file source_text-aper.txt in the Build folder. The actual content looks like this: ^Otići1.1<v><pfv><ptcp_f_sg>$ ^biti1.1<cop><prs><sg><2>$ ^tiho1.1<adv>$ ^i1.1<coordconn>$ ^bez1.1<prep>$ ^pozdrav1.1<n><gen_sg>$


You would see this if you use the View Source/Target Apertium File Tool and click the Target button. It is the friendly view of the file target_text-aper.txt in the Output folder. The actual content looks like this: ^Leave1.1<v><pfv><ptcp_f_sg>$ ^be1.1<cop><prs><sg><2>$ ^quietly1.1<adv>$ ^and1.1<coordconn>$ ^without1.1<prep>$ ^word1.1<n><gen_sg>$


pst corresponds to the past suffix in the English FLEx project (and also the past tense feature).


It can be arduous to type in all the grammatical categories that you need for your transfer rules. That’s why there is the FLExTrans tool called Set Up Transfer Rule Grammatical Categories. This tool will insert all possible source and target categories for the a_gram_cat attribute. See section 4.5 for more details.


In our target_text.txt file it puts a ^ and $ before and after the contents contained within it.


In our target_text.txt file each tag starts with a <, ends with a >.


You could achieve this by taking a literal string with a value of 3 and appending another literal string with a value of pl. But you couldn't start with a tag that has a value of 3. This is because under the hood, the value of a tag includes the angle brackets. Tag 3 is actually <3>.


You can right-click on a component word and select Move Left or Move Right.


You can use the View Source/Target Apertium File Tool for a more friendly view of the data stream format found in the files source_text.txt and target_text.txt.


In the plain format the stream format can be explained as follows:


Technically FLEx only displays a subscript 1 if there is a homograph that exists with subscript 2. Without any homograph the FLEx headword is just plain -- without any subscript.


Apertium. 2021. Apertium, A free/open-source machine translation platform. (http://apertium.org) (accessed 12/20/2021).

Black, H. Andrew. 2014. A Conceptual Introduction to Morphological Parsing for Stage 1 of the Fieldworks Language Explorer. SIL International Manuscript.

Forcada, Mikel L., Bonev, Boyan Ivanov, Rojas, Sergio Ortiz, Ortiz, Juan Antonio Perez, Sanchez, Gema Ramirez, Martinez, Felipe Sanchez, Armentano-Oller, Carme, Montava, Marco A., Tyers, Francis M. 2010. Documentation of the Open-Source Shallow-Transfer Machine Translation Platform Apertium. Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics Universitat d’Alacant Manuscript. (https://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/File:Apertium2-documentation.pdf).

Lockwood, Ronald Milton. 2015. A Linguist-Friendly Machine Translation System for Low-Resource Languages. University of Washington Manuscript. (https://digital.lib.washington.edu/researchworks/handle/1773/33999).

Lockwood, Ron. 2018. Linguistically-Based Machine Translation with the New Tool FLExTrans. In . Proceedings of Bible Translation 2017 Conference. pages unknown. Dallas.

Lockwood, Ron. 2021a. Results of Machine Translation with FLExTrans in Production-Mode. In BTConf2021, , pages unknown.

Lockwood, Ron. 2021b. Using Syntactic Parsing to Enable Machine Translation for Language Pairs with Thorny Differences. In BTConf2021, , pages unknown.

Bible Translation Conference 2021. 2021. Proceedings of Bible Translation 2021 Conference. Online.