(Scroll down for Release Notes)

Getting Started

To use HearThis™ to record audio Scriptures, you will need the following:

  1. A default recording and playback device capable of high-quality audio. Most likely this will mean connecting a USB headset microphone. Reportedly some laptops can do an OK recording job using a microphone connected to the 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) microphone jack, so you can experiment with that if necessary. But it is not recommended to use a built-in microphone, as it is impossible to get adequate quality.
  2. One of the following:
  1. One or more speakers of the language to record the Scriptures. Once a project is selected and a few (optional) settings are selected to meet the needs of the project, HearThis is intended to be usable by people with minimal computer skills and relatively little training. Users should be taught to navigate to the text that is to be recorded, record each script item, check the recordings, and re-record as necessary. After they get the basics, please teach them to use the keyboard, not the mouse (which is inefficient for such a repetitive task). Please take note of their reading fluency; a large proportion of the intended audience will struggle to read naturally, and that's why the interface is designed to make it easy to listen and re-record, as many times as necessary. If you are going to use speakers who are not good readers, consider employing the "prompter technique" that International Media Services encourages. (This technique is described briefly in the appendix of A Media Tool for Translation and Beyond.)
  2. If you have a question, suggestion, or encouragement for us or our backers, please visit our web forum. If you have a bug report, you can get that into our "to do" list directly by emailing hearthis_issues@sil.org.

What to Back Up

HearThis stores a separate WAV file for each script line, indefinitely. When you "Export", it gathers these up, joins them into chapters, and then converts them to the format you choose. The individual WAV files are stored in the Program Data folder, under the SIL\HearThis directory. For example, on Windows 7, Genesis chapter 1 of the Good News UK would be stored here: C:\ProgramData\SIL\HearThis\GNTUK\Genesis\1. This location needs to be backed up (a future version of MyWorkSafe will do that automatically). If for some reason you need to get at these files, for example to delete them or run some audio cleanup process over them, feel free to do so, but be careful. A good backup is recommended before any potentially destructive operations.

#Notes on MegaVoice

MegaVoice uses small "tag" recordings to help the user navigate by audio. This version of HearThis does not yet generate those files. MegaVoice also requires a particular bit/rate for its wav files (16bit, 44.1k, mono). HearThis does convert the recorded files to that format, if necessary.

Release Notes

3.5.3 (March 2025)

3.5.2 (March 2025)

3.5.1 (February 2025)

3.4.2 (June 2024) Note: This was intended to have been released as version 3.5.0

3.4.0 (January 2024)

3.3.1 (15 March 2023)

3.3.0 (25 January 2023)

3.2.0 (21 July 2022)

3.1.3 (3 June 2022)

3.1.0 (29 April 2022)

3.0.18 (23 March 2022)

3.0.8 (17 August 2021)

3.0.4 (6 January 2021)

12 November 2020

3 August 2020

3 February 2020

15 October 2019

3 July 2019

18 March 2019

12 February 2019

24 April 2018

20 April 2018

9 April 2018

27 February 2018

3 January 2018

HearThis 2.0

February 2017

Fixed bug that cause HearThis to crash when not connected to the Internet.

January 2017

Added support for recording passages of poetry in which you want to separate text at paragraph markers, instead of just punctuation. See Settings:Punctuation.

1.5 November 2016

Added support for Paratext 8 projects.

1.4 September 2016

Increased time we wait for external audio merger/converters to finish, from 1 minute to 10 minutes.

1.3 May 2016

1.2 February 2016

1.1 9 July 2015

1.0.10 7 November 2014

1.0 19 August 2014

0.54 30 August 2013

0.53 31 July 2013

0.5 11 May 2013

0.5 10 May 2013

0.4 9 May 2013

0.4 8 May 2013

0.4 7 May 2013

0.4 6 May 2013

0.4 3 May 2013

0.4 2 May 2013

0.4 1 May 2013

0.4 30 April 2013

0.4 29 April 2013

0.4 14 March 2013

0.4 November 2011


