Prevented NullReferenceException when clicking away during playback of generated oral annotations.
Fixed problem that prevented creation of a new project.
Added ability to set the working language font (used, for example, in Descriptions, Notes, etc.)
Added support for additional media formats, including .m4a files
Added option to import Audacity labels into free translation (instead of the transcription tier)
Localization files are now stored in the XLIFF format (v. 1.2). If you have custom localizations saved in TMX format, please contact for help.
When doing an IMDI export,you can now select a "metadata only" option. When exporting a transcription as CSV, the time format now conforms to the ISO 8601 standard (hh:mm:ss.ff instead of hh:mm:ss:ff).
SayMore users contributing to archives can now export SayMore data to a folder that conforms to IMDI format. You can then open the folder in IMDI applications like ARBIL for further annotation and submission.
SayMore 3 adds a "Project" tab for the first time:
In previous versions of SayMore, you could type whatever you liked in the "Access" field. Now, you have three options:
You can set up a custom set of choices.
Or you can still just let yourself type in whatever you want, as with version 2.
Add files that describe the project, how it was funded, etc.
Progress, which was on its own tab in Version 2, has been moved and is now a sub item under the new Project tab.
##New Session Fields
Location country
Location continent
Location region
Location address
Planning Type
Social Context
New "Oral Translation Speaker" role
##New Person Tab: Contributions
Allowable Country values are inconsistently allowed
Sarah Moeller and Tim Gaved served as consultants and champions for this release.
Version 1 of SayMore helped you get everything organized. Version 2 add many tools for helping you record, transcribe, convert, export, and archive. Optionally, you can also enlist native speakers to do time-aligned "oral annotation" steps, as used by the Basic Oral Language Documentation approach. In what follows, we summarize the changes made since Version 1:
You can now record new sessions directly in SayMore.
We plead with you to avoid using your laptop's built-in microphone; if you are willing to give up usefulness for future phonetic research, an OK USB headset can be had for US$35 or less in many countries. Note that the very popular Zoom H2's can also be plugged in and used as a microphone (in a lower quality mode).
All recording tools now feature a level meter which also indicates which device SayMore is recording from, to reduce the chances that you think you're recording from, say, a headset, but really the computer is listening to the laptop's built-in microphone.
SayMore now has an easy-to-use transcription tool, which looks like a table. Each row is a "segment". Before you can transcribe, you need to make these segments, and you can do that in one of 3 ways:
If you're doing BOLD, just set a native speaker up with the CarefulSpeech tool. Each chunk of speech he/she repeats becomes a segment.
You can use the Manual Segmenter
Try our experimental Auto-segmenter
In the Transcription tool, you can now choose what audio is played when the cursor is in the row. Original recording, careful recording or oral translation.
The Careful Speech and Oral Translation tools, which support the BOLD way of working, are designed to be super simple so that you can quickly train a native speaker to do these tasks:
Many audio and video formats can now be converted to standard, future-friendly formats, right in SayMore.
In addition to the ELAN file compatibility, Audacity import, and FLEx export, this version adds the following exports:
As before, SayMore tries to figure out which recordings have gone through which stages of the workflow. If it gets it wrong, then you can use the new "status and Stages" tab can now manually take control of the stage for each session.
Built-in "Careful Speech" and "Oral Translation" tools for those doing BOLD (Basic Oral Language Documentation).
Built-in Transcription, stored using ELAN's file format, with export for FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) interlinear.
Built-in packaging for REAP, SIL's Corporate Archive
Documentation.(thanks Marlon!)
You can control which columns are shown, in what order, and you can sort by clicking on the header of the column.
You can now record exactly who did what, when, using the Contributors tab.
Progress now shows nice charts. You can print these direct, or copy them to an email or report.
Videos are now shown with a preview image, rather than a black rectangle, when not playing. When you correct the spelling of a person's name, the name is also updated in all events where he/she is listed as a participant.
The People list now gives an indication of the Informed Consent status of each person. You get a warning icon if there is no consent file, and different icons for photograph, audio and video consent files.
Events now have a "Status" value, which you set. Currently, the choices are "Incoming", "In Progress", "Finished", and "Skip". The later is for events which you don't plan to work with or publish.
The list of Events now displays information about the workflow status in the "Stages" column. As you add files to the event and name them appropriately (using the Rename menu), SayMore detects them and indicates their presence in the stages icon.
You can now select participants for an event by ticking the boxes next to their names. You can now set the mug shot of a person by dragging the photo file onto the mug shot place-holder.
Some users are finding they cannot rename media files, because the process which shows them (MediaPlayer.exe) is holding on to them when it should not. Apparently a symptom of this is that multiple MediaPlayers can be found running in the Windows process list. However, we have not yet been able to make this happen on developer machines, which makes it very hard to fix. If you can reliably make it happen, please contacting us!
The Export to CSV command is only partially implemented.
SayMore doesn't provide any help with Informed Consent/permission situations where someone gives universal access for some recordings, but limitted access for others.
There is no way yet to customize the file naming conventions.
When using the "Add Files..." button, you can only choose one file at a time.