The main highlights are:

  • Improved publisher style sheet capabilities to handle new things like those required by UNDSIL theses and other publishers, including an “author over date” references style.
  • For reference items for which there is no known author, add a way to show the title in the author position.
  • Provide a way to have the XLingPaper menu options be shorter so they fit on small computer screens.
  • Remove requirement that the page layout parameters of a publisher style sheet all have the same unit of measure.
  • With publisher style sheets: If a reference item ends in a question mark or an exclamation mark and the textafter material begins with a period, do not show the period.

You can obtain an installation program for Windows, Mac or Linux at

If you have already installed XLingPaper version 2.10.0 or higher and merely want to upgrade, then you will need to download and install the XLingPaper update file. See If you have modified any of the stock publisher style sheets, please be sure to make a backup of your work before running this installer. It may overwrite your modifications. In addition, you should download and install the XeLaTeX Update (see This update is required before you can produce the default PDF if you are using the framed unit capability (added in version 2.20.0).

The recent changes are:

  • 2.23.0 11 June 2013
    • Add showinlandscapemode attribute to all section level elements, chapter, chapterBeforePart, part, preface, contents, acknowledgements, glossary, references, and selectedBibliography elements. This only works for the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX).
    • Add showcommentinoutput attribute to the lingPaper element. When it is set to ‘yes’, the output includes comment elements. The default setting is ‘no’.
    • Add prose-textTextLayout to publisher style sheet. This controls how prose-text material is to be output.
    • Fix bug: if using a publisher style sheet where the first paragraph of a section is not have an indent and if the section had a shortTitle, the first paragraph was still indented.
    • For the “Produce Word 2003 Document” and “Produce Open Office Document” commands, if an example or table is in an endnote, add a warning message in the output that it is missing. Include the ID of the missing element if available.
    • Removed keyboard short cuts for the “Produce Word 2003 Document” and “Produce Open Office Document” commands.
    • Provide a way to have the XLingPaper menu options be shorter so they fit on small computer screens.
    • Remove requirement that the page layout parameters of a publisher style sheet all have the same unit of measure.
    • With publisher style sheets: If a reference item ends in a question mark or an exclamation mark and the textafter material begins with a period, do not show the period.
    • Added refAuthorName, refAuthorLastName, and refAuthorLastNameLayout elements so one can format an author’s last name differently (when using a publisher style sheet).
    • Made abbrTerm element contain optional object elements so one can control things like small caps for Bantu noun classes (e.g. in class 6a, the a is always a, not small caps a).
    • Added abbreviationsInTableLayout in publisher style sheet to control how the abbreviations which occur in a table appear.
    • For page header/footer layouts in publisher style sheets, allowed fixedText to include embedded elements like object.
    • For example layouts in publisher style sheets, allowed control over whether the number has parens, ends with a period, and whether the list letters end with a period or a closing parenthesis.
    • In publisher style sheets, add a way to insert text before the page number(s) of a citation (which comes after the colon after the date).
    • Added a new element and several attributes to publisher style sheet elements to handle UNDSIL thesis style sheet requirements:
      • Added appendicesTitlePageLayout element to backMatterLayout to handle separate “Appendices” page.
      • To contentsLayout element, added these attributes:
        • indentchapterline
        • showappendices
        • usechapterlabelbeforechapters
        • chapterlabel
        • chapterlineindent
        • singlespaceeachcontentline
        • useperiodafterchapternumber
        • useperiodaftersectionnumber
      • To figureLayout element, added these attributes:
        • listOfFiguresUsesFigureAndPageHeaders
        • useSingleSpacingForLongCaptions
        • pageLabelInListOfFigures
      • To tablenumberedLayout element, added these attributes:
        • listOfTablesUsesTableAndPageHeaders
        • useSingleSpacingForLongCaptions
        • pageLabelInListOfTables
    • Improve the CreateZipFile command to also include any hyphenation exception files.
    • For reference items for which there is no known author, add a way to show the title in the author position. (Done via a showAuthorName attribute on the refAuthor element.)
    • For the web page with publisher style sheet output, improve alignment of list definition letters and definitions.
    • For the default way of producing PDF (via XeLaTeX):
      • Allow a plain text chart to have a XeLaTeXSpecial attribute of ‘singlespacing’ to make it be single spaced when the document is space-and-a-half or double spaced.
      • Added several attributes on the referencesLayout element to allow for an “author over date” style of showing the references.
      • Add a XeLaTeXSpecial attribute of ‘fix-final-landscape’ to deal with cases where the final main item in a document is set to show in landscape mode and, as a result, the page numbers in the table of contents are not shown correctly.
      • Fixed bug: when using word elements in listWord examples, the initial listWord failed to process any embedded word elements.
      • Fix bug: the PDF would fail to be produced if a figure contained a chart and the last thing in the chart was a <br/> element.
      • Fix bug: when a style sheet said that the author name in the references section should use a particular font-family or font-variant, the family or variant style continued throughout the entry.
      • Fix bug: The page number in a list of numbered tables could be one off if the table appeared at the top of a page.
    • Fix bug in process which converts abbreviations in glosses to abbrRefs: if the gloss contained a word with an apostrophe, the process would fail with a message of “doExecute: Exception caught:unrecognized operator name”.