Tutorials for PrimerPro are available to view on the LingTran PrimerPro page.

PrimerPro Setup Tutorial (PDF | 183 KB) – click on this link to download the document PrimerPro Setup Tutorial.pdf. This document shows you how to set up “PrimerPro” on your computer. You may print it for your own use.

PrimerPro Primermaking Tutorial (PDF | 159 KB) – click on this link to download the document PrimerPro Primermaking Tutorial.pdf. This document shows you how to make a primer lesson using PrimerPro. You may print it for your own use.

PrimerPro Setup Tutorial for Syllabary Languages (PDF | 259 KB) – click on this link to download the document PrimerPro Setup Tutorial – Syllabic.pdf. This document shows you how to set up “PrimerPro” for a syllabary language on your computer. You may print it for your own use.

Easy Steps for Making First Lesson (PDF | 186 KB) – click on this link to download the document Easy Steps for Making First Lesson In PrimerPro.pdf. This document gives you simple instructions to make the first lesson for a primer using PrimerPro. You may print it for your own use.

Easy Steps for Making Lessons (PDF | 161 KB) – click on this link to download the document Easy Steps for Making Lessons In PrimerPro.pdf. This document gives you simple instructions to make the lessons for a primer using PrimerPro. You may print it for your own use.

Easy Steps for Making Review Lessons (PDF | 170 KB) – click on this link to download the document Easy Steps for Making Review Lessons In PrimerPro.pdf. This document gives you simple instructions to make review lessons for a primer using PrimerPro. You may print it for your own use.