Checklist for SIL Scripture App Publishing, Copyright and Licensing
This checklist provides guidance for translators who are in the process of translating Scriptures to successfully publish a Scripture App Builder app with appropriate attributions for copyright and licensing.
Our analysis has shown that building quality checks into the front end of the translation process, keeping Paratext data clean (using tools to maintain completeness, consistency in term use and word spelling, etc.) can shave months of clean-up time off the back end of projects while providing a higher quality Scripture app. We encourage translators to use the tools included with Paratext to keep data in good shape as the translation process proceeds.
1. Translator Decision
Does the quality of the content to be published pass required publishing consistency checks in Paratext? The data quality of the content to be published needs to be high: spelling is consistent, key term use is verified, all chapters and verses to be published are complete, number and punctuation format is specified and followed, references used are present in version to be published, quotations are properly opened and closed, etc.
Paratext Basic Checks (Checking – Run Basic Checks…) pass all checks without errors.
Are the front matter and back matter prepared and ready to be included in your app? (optional content)
Y = VERIFY clean validation results in Paratext.
N = STOP! SIL cannot provide services to produce this App.
2. Translation Consultant Decision
Does this app only contain text on which a consultant with qualifications consistent with FOBAI (Forum of Bible Agencies International) standards has signed off? Has the translation been done consistent with SIL’s DFT (Divine Familial Terms) standards? If an appropriate consultant has not signed off on the text or if DFT compliance is not assured by the translation consultant, SIL may NOT provide SAB services. STOP!)
FOBAI Consultant Standards:
DFT compliance:
Provide the name and email address of the last translation consultant who signed off on the Scripture content.
Y = VERIFY via email approval from Consultant, and/or attachment of documentation to your Area Publishing Coordinator and GPS Go to Administrator Decision.
N = STOP! SIL cannot provide services to produce this App. Contact your Area Publishing Coordinator or Global Publishing Services (GPS) ( with questions.
3. Administrator Decision
Does this app have an SIL Entity Directorate-level sign off?
Y = VERIFY via email response from Directorate to your Area Publishing Coordinator and GPS Go to Consistency and DBL Bundle Decision.
N = STOP! SIL cannot provide services to produce this app. Contact your Area Publishing Coordinator or GPS with questions.
4. Consistency and DBL Bundle Decision
Does app text pass Paratext Scripture Text Consistency Checks and DBL Schema checks (Checks – (hold Shift key down and click) Run Basic Checks… and check only “Schema”)? If there are any errors, get help from your Area DBL Publishing representative or GPS
After your app is published, the appropriate DBL publishing representative will submit your Scriptures to the DBL
5. Content Decision
a. Does this app only contain Scripture text?
Y = Go to Attribution Decision (licensing is most likely easy).
N = Go to item 5.b below [if the app contains additional types of content, then additional licenses will be needed for each type].
b. Does this app contain illustrations, video and/or audio recordings?
Y = Include each attribution and redistribution license from each content supplier in the app rights data. Go to Attribution Decision, or if licenses cannot be obtained STOP! This app cannot be redistributed.
N = Go to Attribution Decision.
6. Attribution Decision
Is this an SIL managed project? (is SIL funding and making the project decisions?)
Y = Go to Distribution Decision.
N = You must obtain the appropriate approvals for attribution from each content supplier used, or if attribution cannot be obtained, STOP and remove the additional content! SIL cannot provide services to product this App.
7. Distribution Decision
a. Will this app be shared beyond the Google play store (e.g. also by Bluetooth, SD card, Wi-Fi, etc.)?
Y = Go to 7.b below.
N = Go to WBT App Attribution and License Statements.
b. Do you have a redistribution (sharing) license for all additional content included in the App (written permission for anyone who gets this App to share it with others)?
Y = Include each license and attribution in the App rights data. Go to WBT App Attribution and License Statements.
N = Get a redistribution (sharing) license from each content supplier and include each in the App rights data, then go to WBT App Attribution and License Statements; or, STOP! This App can not be redistributed.
8. WBT App Attribution and License Statements
Copyright Information examples are below.
The Scriptures in <Language Name> (<language code>)
© YYYY* Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
This app is made available to you under the terms of the Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works.
Text: © YYYY Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc.
If this app also contains illustrations, video and/or audio, add the appropriate statements. If there are multiple IP sources for a category, list each source and identify what artifact they contributed.
© YYYY <Name>. or other redistribution (sharing) license.
© YYYY <Name>. or other redistribution (sharing) license.
© YYYY <Name>. or other redistribution (sharing) license.
*YYYY is the first year this app, or content, was made. Use the same date for all updates to the app. Do not include the asterisks provided in these instructions.