Downloadable sample files

There are three sample XLingPaper documents. Click on the one you want to download.

ZapNumRevised-2.19.0.zipSample paper
ZapotecoDeLachixío-2.15.0.zipSample book
XLingPaper2-12-0SampleDocument-SVCZPronouns.zipSample paper used in some demo movies

Output samples

The Grammar Sketch produced by the FieldWorks Language Explorer program uses XLingPaper. Similarly, the “writer” produced by the Parser and Writer for Syntax (PAWS) program uses XLingPaper.

There are also several papers in the SIL-Mexico Electronic Working Papers series that were produced via XLingPaper. See all the papers under #1, papers #3, #4, #7, #8, #9, #10, all the papers under #13, and papers #15, #16, #17, #18, #19 and #20.

Here are some other papers and books produced using XLingPaper: