Version 3.6

07 August 2012

  • Various bug fixes:
  • Entry names with special characters were not being sorted correctly under reverse index headings.
  • A unwanted newline character was being inserted before the part of speech of some entries.
  • Synonyms and antonyms were not being output in web export if there were no other lexical functions.
  • LIFT export for literal-meaning field had an incorrect closing tag.
  • Allow accents and Unicode characters in semantic domain/category fields (\sd).
  • Access violation on Morphology section of search results.
  • Remove formatting codes in Morphology section of search results.
  • Show camera icon next to entry if picture is found in sub-entry.
  • Export wizard images page had a truncated caption for some interface languages.

Version 3.5

02 January 2012

  • User interface languages:
  • Indonesian added.
  • Splash screen and About box:
  • Use SIL International logos with tag lines in French, Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Web page export:
  • Use the filename index.htm in sub-folders rather than main.htm.
  • Information pages:
  • SIL information added in Spanish.
  • Latest ISO 639-3 language codes.
  • Various bug fixes:
  • Search for whole words crashed if parenthesis characters were set to be ignored for a language.
  • In records with multiple gloss fields on separate lines, Lexique Pro was only reading the first gloss.
  • Syn: label was not being translated on single entry screens.
  • The subscript homonym numbers in \cf fields looked good in the onscreen version, but when exported to .docx the number was separated from the word without being formatted as a subscript.
  • Problem with the record count displayed on the status bar.
  • A period was added at the end of a definition field when the field ended in an ellipsis (&ellip;)
  • Space needed before paradigm fields in multiple entry output.

Version 3.4.2

16 May 2011

  • Various bug fixes:
  • Export to web pages was not omitting omitted entries.
  • Senses within Indexes were not getting sorted when \lc was used.
  • Some problems with picture output in document export.
  • Updated Bulgarian translation and added some Spanish interface translation.

Version 3.4

8 December 2010

  • Links: Allow <a> HTML links in SFM fields, e.g.
  • \ee For more details see: </a><a href="">Bambara Lexicon</a><a>
  • Audio:
  • Changed audio player to improve reliability of playing MP3 files.
  • Play/Pause/Stop buttons displayed when playing an audio clip.
  • Updated ISO 639-3 language code list to use latest tables.
  • Document export:
  • Updated to export valid ODF 1.2 documents (i.e. versions 3.0 and above)
  • Removed support for export to OpenOffice 1.0 documents (.sxw).
  • Khmer language interface (beta).
  • Fonts:
  • Install “Charis SIL” and “Khmer OS System” in distribution.
  • Distribution:
  • Updated to use version 5.4 of Inno Setup.
  • Various bug fixes:
  • Allow up to 14 languages in Language Markers page of configuration (rather than 7).
  • Add missing French translation strings.
  • Formatting problems with |fv etc. directly after parenthesis.
  • Under certain conditions LP hung while loading a dictionary (threading issues).
  • Categories in LIFT files did not always get shown properly.
  • Unwanted characters displaying at top of Print Preview.
  • Database remained in read-only state if the program terminated abnormally and many users did not know how to change the read-only attribute of the database file.
  • Configuration – Home page images preview did not get updated when changing images and turning them on/off.
  • Incorrect link to email address in help file.
  • Incorrect tab orders in Writing System configuration dialog pages.
  • Should not allow the same language to be added twice in Writing Systems configuration.
  • Translation problems in Spanish message boxes.

Version 3.3.1

6 March 2010

  • Various bug fixes:
  • Sort order and case memo fields not populated properly in Language Properties dialog.
  • Links to HTML files in the About pages did not work if filenames had %20 codes instead of spaces.

Version 3.3

4 March 2010

  • Compiled using new version of compiler (Delphi 2010) – lots of internal changes to code and components.
  • Omit Rules:
  • Added marker ‘does not exist’ and ‘not empty’ rules.
  • Interface Languages:
  • Full French interface
  • Distribution:
  • New version of Inno Setup (5.3)
  • More languages for installation wizard
  • Various bug fixes:
  • Examples and some other fields were repeated in document/web output where there were sub-entries.
  • Confusion arose when using ICU sorting and FLEx 3.0 (due to change of version of ICU being used by FW)
  • RTF export could result in a truncated output file if there were alternative forms sharing the same language code as a gloss language.
  • `
` element needs lang code in LIFT output.
* Setting default font in Language properties.

## Version 3.2.3
_5 June 2009_

* Added support for TIFF images.
* ICU Rules page:
* Test button added.
* Various bug fixes:
* More problems with RTF non-breaking spaces.
* In some cases, ICU sort rule characters were not saved as UTF8.
* Error message needed if parsing of ICU rules fails.
* Problems with picture placement in Word 2007 (.docx) export.

## Version 3.2.2
_29 May 2009_

* Various bug fixes:
* Do not allow editing of writing system code for LIFT databases.
* Do not display tabs for index languages where there are no items.
* In LIFT import, do not create a new gloss language if it is the vernacular language gloss.
* In .docx export, the line between columns setting was ignored.
* Non-breaking spaces sometimes come out as ?? in RTF document export.
* Error in standalone icon shortcut if user changed default install folder.

## Version 3.2.1
_22 May 2009_

* Updated version of Inno Setup (5.2.3) used by distribution wizard.
* Various bug fixes:
* Need to delete old program files if user installs to old pre-3.0 directory.
* Create icon shortcut to standalone Lexique Pro as well as to Lexique Pro + database.
* Problem with writing About Language files path when trying to redistribute a distributed lexcion.
* Links to local HTML files from About Language pages were opened in web browser rather than in Lexique Pro.
* File Version of distribution setup .exe was Should be set to current Lexique Pro version number.

## Version 3.2
_21 May 2009_

* Support for more fields added (from both MDF/SFM and LIFT files):
* Restrictions
* Literal meaning
* Usage
* Bibliography
* Audio file handling:
* Handle audio files which appear in writing system forms in LIFT (at entry level or in example fields), as used by WeSay.
* Search for audio files in “sound”, “audio” or “media” sub-folders, if not found as a relative or absolute path.
* Formatting:
* Added “All caps” and “Small caps” as font formatting effects (see Formatting dialog box).
* ICU components:
* Updated to version 4.2. (These will be used if no ICU DLLs are found in the ‘Program Files\Common Files\SIL’ folder.)
* Export to Web:
* Added “Max Image Height” for pictures.
* Fixed: Images not being filtered correctly.
* Fixed: Images not being positioned correctly according to before/after sense/entry settings.
* Fixed: Hyperlinks for some fields missing.
* Fixed: Final wizard page on Export to web page was not using Unicode controls. This sometimes caused access violations on progress caption update.
* Fixed: Do not create web index pages for languages without index records.
* Fixed: Add several font names to font-family on web export, in case the first font is not present.
* Fixed: Add Lexique Pro version number to header meta information.
* Various bug fixes:
* User style types not being read correctly from configuration file.
* Certain combinations of \ps before \sn did not parse correctly.
* Unwanted extra space before sense numbers in export to document/web.
* Remove formatting codes from Part of Speech in list view on left of screen.
* Do not add an extra full stop if there is already a Chinese one (U+3002).
* Don’t interpret a final digit in a field as a subscript if the field is not a link.
* Do not add a full stop if there is no content in a lexical function field.

## Version 3.1
_15 May 2009_

The following new features and fixes are in version 3.1 of Lexique Pro:

* New icon
* LIFT file import:
* Improved support for importing:
* Alternative lexical writing systems,
* Categories (from lift-ranges),
* Sub-entries, minor entries,
* Custom fields,
* Pictures
* Improved interaction with SIL Fieldworks Language Explorer (FLEx):
* On the first load of a LIFT file, Lexique Pro looks in the Fieldworks language definitions folder for font information if it exists.
* If there are multiple lexicon languages in a LIFT file, Lexique Pro asks which is the main one when loading for the first time.
* .PLIFT files are recognised as .LIFT files.
* Language Configuration:
* Significant redesign of the language-related pages of the configuration wizard, including a new Configure Language dialog.
* More default gloss languages to choose from, including several Indian languages.
* Simplified adding/configuration of alternative lexical writing systems.
* “Find Code” dialog added to allow search/selection of code from list of ISO-639 codes.
* Access to individual language configuration via _Tools > Configure Language > [language name]_.
* Style Configuration:
* Redesign of the formatting style-related pages of the configuration wizard. The tabs have been replaced by a tree view arranged by language where styles are displayed in their respective fonts and colours.
* Help:
* Help has been added for configuration pages.
* Markers:
* You can now associate two or more SFM marker codes with a marker type. See _Change Marker_ dialog from the _Field Markers_ page of the configuration.
* Sorting:
* ICU collation can be used in sorting, rather than having to specify all the lines of the sort order as in Shoebox/Toolbox. See the Sorting page of the language configuration.
* Custom ICU Collation rules can also be specified.
* ICU 4.0 DLLs are included in the Lexique Pro installation.
* Part of Speech index:
* A index of entries, ordered by part of speech can be displayed. See _Languages > Indexes_ and Sorting in the configuration.
* Search:
* The search words found are highlighted in the displayed entries.
* Keyboard switching:
* Keyboard switching code completely rewritten.
* Improved interaction with Windows and Keyman keyboards.
* Open Office document export:
* Macro added to write left and right headers.
* Graphite-enabled:
* Now includes the MultiScribe library for rendering Graphite fonts.
* Localisation:
* Bulgarian language added.
* Now using the GNU gettext functions for localisation throughout the program.
* All of Lexique Pro can now be translated into other languages, using .po files.
* Translators will be able to see their translations in the user interface before submitting them for inclusion in the product.
* Please contact Lexique Pro development if you would like to help in translation, and see our page on how to translate.
* Various bug fixes:
* A cross-reference appearing after a main entry cross-reference was also being marked as a main entry cross-reference.
* An extra full-stop should not be added to encyclopaedic info where a full-stop has already appeared before closing speech marks or parenthesis.
* Category tree file in web export should be marked as UTF-8.
* If Lexique Pro window was maximised, an Access violation occurred when the user tried to open a file while Lexique Pro was still initialising.
* Language code edit box was restricted to only 3 characters.
* Web output is now well-formed XHTML.
* Allow formatting codes in lexical name and citation form fields.
* If definition fields were used rather than gloss fields for an entry, the ordering of other fields such as lexical functions and parts of speech was often incorrect.
* Categories were not being included in document export, even if the _Categories_ option had been selected in the _Fields_ page of the export wizard.
* Handles `<< >>` in reversal fields.
* Distribution wizard failed to create executables of over 2 GB. Need to edit **.iss** file to include _DiskSpanning=Yes_.
* Space missing sometimes before part of speech in export to document.

### LIFT Import limitations

In LIFT import, the following features are not supported yet:

* Sub-senses
* Sub-reversal indexes
* Picture captions

## Version 2.8.6
_17 June 2008_

* Various bug fixes:
* Cut and copy buttons not enabled when selecting text at the start of editing.
* User-defined paradigm markers were being lost.
* Default notes labels to MDF standard (_Note:, Socio:, Phon: etc._).
* Include language codes in **.docx** Word export, to facilitate spell-checking.
* Need to insert space before Variant field output.
* Links to prefixes and suffixes sometimes failed in morphology fields.

## Version 2.8.5
_10 June 2008_

* Bug fixes:
* Category view did not hide omitted items.
* Ampersand not encoded in filenames in LIFT export.

## Version 2.8.4
_27 May 2008_

* Improved LIFT support.
* Group markers together by type in Markers configuration.
* Various bug fixes:
* Character codes `&#` were visible in Open Office document export.
* _See main entry:_ rather than _See:_ should be displayed for main entry cross references.
* Access violation sometimes appears after changing `\lx` and then deleting the entry.

## Version 2.8.3
_19 March 2008_

* Various bug fixes:
* Under some circumstances the usage field could not be exported.
* Senses containing only a definition field (`\de`, etc.) were ignored.
* Problem exporting pictures which were seen as having zero width.
* Categories did not show up when creating a new database.
* Viewing categories as DDP was broken.
* Allow removal of alternative representations of the lexicon language.

## Version 2.8.2
_25 January 2008_

* Fixed categories initialisation problem in first-time configuration wizard.

## Version 2.8.1
_21 January 2008_

* Export to Web Page:
* Include pictures in web page export.
* Editing:
* Template of markers for new record can be edited. See _Configuration > Display > Edit Settings_.

## Version 2.8
_10 January 2008_

* Export:
* Pictures can be positioned before or after entries, or before or after the senses in which they appear.
* [Word 2007 document format]({.external} export added, _i.e. Office Open XML (**.docx**)_. Please note that the previous Export to Word document via HTML has been removed. If you are using Microsoft Word 2000, XP or 2003 you can download a compatibility pack from here in order to read the Office Open XML **.docx** files.
* Lexicon Interchange FormaT ([LIFT]({.external} XML) export improved – partial implementation of LIFT 0.11.
* Results page is displayed after exporting documents, rather than launching Word immediately.
* Configuration:
* Markers can be turned on or off in _Configuration > Data Source > Markers_ page.
* Added recognition of notes markers for display and export:
* Notes (anthropology) – `\na`
* Notes (discourse) – `\nd`
* Notes (grammar) – `\ng`
* Notes (phonology) – `\np`
* Notes (questions) – `\nq`
* Notes (sociolinguistics) – `\ns`
* Notes (general) – `\nt`
* Changed file extensions:
* Configuration file: **.lpConfig**
* LIFT export: **.lift**
* Bug fixes:
* Bad date formats in database caused critical failure in loading lexicon.
* Include ***.lex** as possible database file extension.

## Version 2.7
_28 September 2007_

* Various fixes for better Windows Vista compatibility.
* Export as LIFT (Lexicon Interchange FormaT) XML format (beta – partial implementation)

## Version 2.6.13
_17 April 2007_

* Fixed:
* Sorting of lexical entries was broken when using alternative lexical forms.

## Version 2.6.12
_14 April 2007_

* Fixed:
* Access Violation often occurred when closing the program.
* Access Violation sometimes occurred when switching between gloss language tabs in initial configuration.
* “Can’t focus window” error message sometimes appeared in Configuration.
* If two or more `\de` markers are found one after the other, concatenate the contents rather than taking only the last one.
* If a word appears in parenthesis in a hyperlink (e.g. a cross-reference), it can be ignored when searching for the linked word.

## Version 2.6.11
_26 February 2007_

* Formatting:
* Allow turning off of hyperlink formatting in morphology fields. (See _Formatting > Field Display_)
* Fixed:
* Categories – access violation when expanding category tree view.
* Export to Document – Index document was not always exported in the language chosen.
* Export to Web – Unicode characters in synonyms were exported as `?`.

## Version 2.6.10
_3 February 2007_

* Formatting:
* Allow `|u{}` for underlining
* Allow formatting in morphology fields (`\mr`)
* Fixed:
* Language selection box in _Translation_ label window did not work properly.

## Version 2.6.9
_27 January 2007_

* Configuration:
* Field Styles: Example, Morphology, Lexical Function, Paradigm etc. styles are now listed individually (rather than being grouped as ‘Normal Text’). In this way their formats can be modified separately, colours changed, etc.
* User Interface Styles ‘Index List’ and ‘Search Box’ moved to separate tab so not to confuse them with the database field formatting styles.
* Export to Document:
* Added ‘Keep lines together’ option – to avoid entry paragraphs splitting across pages.
* Added A5 and B5 paper sizes.
* Fixed: Lexical entry name font size and bold setting was not exported as set up in the configuration.
* Fixed: Coloured User styles were still being exported as coloured even when selecting ‘Monochrome’.

## Version 2.6.8
_8 December 2006_

* Bug fix:
* Superscript tone marks (1, 2, 3, etc.) were cut from the end of some of the displayed lexical function fields.

## Version 2.6.7
_24 November 2006_

* Various bug fixes:
* User interface froze sometimes when scrolling up and down an index list at speed.
* In web export, the stylesheet and _index.htm_ files were written as Unicode rather than UTF-8.

## Version 2.6.6
_23 October 2006_

* Various bug fixes:
* Some Alphabet buttons and home page links were greyed out even when there were words beginning with these letters.
* If no `