What’s new in version 2.7?
What’s New in Version 2.7
Below is a brief listing of the new features of version 2.7.
• Rewrote UI localization feature for flexibility.
• Add user interface (UI) localization for Spanish. In the Options dialog box, under the Interface tab, the user can select Spanish as the User Interface language.
• Add user interface (UI) localization for any other language. In the Options dialog box, under the Interface tab, the user can select Other as the User Interface language. Then the user will need to provide for the translation of the other language by clicking on the Update UI for Other Language button.
• The user can export the UI for the other language to another computer with PrimerPro by clicking on the Export UI for Other Language button in the Options dialog box. The other computer will then need to import the exported XML file to be able to use the UI for the other language by clicking on the Import UI for Other Language button in the Options dialog box.
• Add “Restriction phrases with this grapheme” checkbox to the Usable Phrase search. This allows you to display only the latest usable phrases.
• In the Untaught Residue Search, add the feature to be able to display reading level complexity of a story (Max number of words in sentence, Max number of syllables in word, Number of Words in story, Number of unique words in story, Average numbers words in sentence, Average number of syllables in word ).
• Add “Sort by” feature to the Word Count Search. This allows the user to indicate the order should be in ascending or descending order.
• Added some enhancements to the grapheme inventory initialization process.
• Fix several bugs.