Current Version

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WeSay for Windows
MSI | 66.55 MB | 6 Feb 2019

Additional Versions

Additional versions of WeSay are below.

System Requirements

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

WeSay on Windows requires .Net 4.0 Client Profile.

If the machine you are putting WeSay on is not getting regular Windows updates, you may not have another free Microsoft piece required to install .Net, which is Microsoft Installer 3.1 (or later).

The same WeSay works with both 32 and 64 bit version of Windows.

Optional Extra Software


WeSay 1.6 is now available on Linux. There are installation instructions. It will run on the 32- and 64-bit versions of the following Ubuntu distros:

Related Resources

WeSay can make a basic 2-column dictionary with a single-click, but only if you have PrinceXml installed (free for non-commercial use). See this blog entry for details.

WeSay can use glosses to suggest illustrations using SIL’s free, Creative Commons-licensed Art Of Reading collection. See this blog entry for details.