11 June 2024 (SIL WSTech team) Annapurna SIL version 2.100

  • Enabled rendering for a unique sequence (an implosive) in the Wambule language
    • Consists of a DDA, BA or LA half-form (using ZWJ) plus a full vowel A
    • The sequence may include a vowel sign or virama (halant)
    • Inspect the GSUB OpenType code for details since this is not usual behaviour
  • Added TypeTuner support for Ra+Ukar+Nukta ligature (feature in Stylistic Set 16)
  • Fixed CHA variant bug (feature in Stylistic Set 17)
  • Fixed ikar + vowel reordering bug (Graphite only)

08 November 2023 (SIL WSTech team) Annapurna SIL version 2.000

Note that this is a major upgrade that may cause document reflow as
some glyphs widths have changed and linespacing has been adjusted.

  • First release that uses a UFO-based design and production workflow
    • All sources are in open formats
    • Build toolkit and workflow is completely open-source
    • See https://silnrsi.github.io/silfontdev/en-US/Introduction.html
  • Web fonts are provided in both WOFF and WOFF2 formats

  • Added Devanagari characters:

  • Added recommended characters (Latin, punctuation, other) for non-Latin fonts:
    • U+02C7 caron
    • U+02D8 breve
    • U+02D9 dotaccent
    • U+02DA ring
    • U+02DB ogonek
    • U+02DD hungarumlaut
    • U+0306 brevecomb
    • U+034F graphemejoinercomb
    • U+03C0 pi
    • U+2000 enquad
    • U+2001 emquad
    • U+2002 enspace
    • U+2003 emspace
    • U+2004 threeperemspace
    • U+2005 fourperemspace
    • U+2006 sixperemspace
    • U+2007 figurespace
    • U+2008 punctuationspace
    • U+200A hairspace
    • U+2010 hyphentwo
    • U+2011 nonbreakinghyphen
    • U+2012 figuredash
    • U+2015 horizontalbar
    • U+2027 hyphenationpoint
    • U+2028 lineseparator
    • U+2029 paragraphseparator
    • U+2060 wordjoiner
    • U+2126 Omega, Ohm
    • U+2202 partialdiff
    • U+2206 Delta
    • U+220F product
    • U+2211 summation
    • U+2215 divisionslash
    • U+2219 bulletoperator
    • U+221A radical
    • U+221E infinity
    • U+222B integral
    • U+2248 approxequal
    • U+2260 notequal
    • U+2264 lessequal
    • U+2265 greaterequal
    • U+2423 blank
    • U+25CA lozenge
    • U+FB01 fi
    • U+FB02 fl
    • U+FE00 VS1
    • U+FE01 VS2
    • U+FE02 VS3
    • U+FE03 VS4
    • U+FE04 VS5
    • U+FE05 VS6
    • U+FE06 VS7
    • U+FE07 VS8
    • U+FE08 VS9
    • U+FE09 VS10
    • U+FE0A VS11
    • U+FE0B VS12
    • U+FE0C VS13
    • U+FE0D VS14
    • U+FE0E VS15
    • U+FE0F VS16
    • U+FEFF zeroWidthNoBreakSpace
    • U+FFFC objectReplacementCharacter
    • U+FFFD replacementCharacter
  • Added variant glyphs:
    • DEVANAGARI CHA variants
    • Full Cha with tail
    • Half Cha with no stem or halant
    • Discrete (to show the number of missing characters)
    • Narrow (for use in typography)
    • Filler (zero advance width for use in typography)
    • DEVANAGARI JAIN OM variant (extended headstroke)
  • Added Stylistic Set features:
    • ss16 uses ligature forms for ra + ukar (or uukar) with nukta
    • ss17 for full Cha with tail, half Cha with no stem or halant
  • Added Character Variant features:
    • cv21 for headstroke variants discrete, narrow and filler
    • ss22 for Jain Om variants with extended headstroke
    • Graphite only: added features cv01-cv17 to correspond to OpenType ss01-ss17
  • Width of typographic spaces have been made more consistent to reflect
    common publishing industry usage. Note that this may affect line and page
    lengths. Affected spaces:

    • U+2003 EN SPACE
    • U+2005 FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
    • U+2006 SIX-PER-EM SPACE
    • U+2009 THIN SPACE
    • U+200A HAIR SPACE
  • Fixed OpenType rendering of double Nga stack with open-Ya to match Graphite

  • Fixed OpenType rendering of nukta forms of stemless characters with open-Ya
    to match Graphite
  • Added Graphite rules to reorder ikar before full vowel and possible cons
    or half-cons
  • Fixed Ra+ukar collision with preceding ukar
  • Fixed ikar-anusvara collision on conjuncts
  • Fixed misoriented contours and duplicated knots
  • Added UFO key and value data to set head table flag bits 0 and 1
  • Revised content and format of the documentation

22 February 2019 (SIL WSTech team) Annapurna SIL version 1.204

  • Reworked Graphite code to remove duplicates from substitution input classes.
  • Fixed Graphite bug involving alternate renderings of the half forms of ya.
    Fixed default rendering of dya.

08 December 2017 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version 1.203

  • Matched OpenType with Graphite rendering where “ra halant ra halant” renders
    as “reph over ra-halant” instead of “eyelash ra” with reph over following cons.
  • Fixed Graphite bugs in reph position chaining rules
  • Fixed Graphite bug involving ta+ta conjunct half-form

10 February 2017 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version 1.202

  • Fixed Graphite where reph was skipping the aakar after the ya
  • Used TTFautohint for hinting which solved disappearing candrabindu in Bold

01 August 2016 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version 1.201

  • Fixed Graphite (reordering) issue when reph and ikar are in a cluster
  • Fixed Graphite issue related to TypeTuner fonts

15 January 2015 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version 1.200

  • Added glyph U+0978 from the Devanagari block
  • Added half forms of all the consonant-rakar conjuncts
  • Fixed a near collision between Ha-Nukta and the uukar
  • Fixed many collisions of ekar/aikar over ra with a preceding upper mark
  • Hinting was done to enhance the on-screen rendering in Windows and Linux

25 October 2012 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version 1.100

  • Added glyphs (with OpenType and Graphite support) from the Devanagari block
    *0900, 093A..093B, 094E..094F, 0955..0957, 0973..0977, 0979..097A
  • Added glyphs from the Devanagari Extended block
  • Added glyphs from the North Indic Number Forms block
  • U+dot (and UU+dot) is now attached under the Ra instead of the ligature version
  • Graphite feature IDs are now all four-character tags per CSS requirements
  • Minor bug fixes

12 July 2011 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version 1.001

  • Added ligature glyphs and smart code support for minority languages
    • 0930 with 0941 and 093C
    • 0931 with 0941
    • 0931 with 0941 and 093C
    • 0930 with 0942 and 093C
    • 0931 with 0942
    • 0931 with 0942 and 093C
  • Fixed design bug in Bold font. The long I with nasal dot had a missing dot
  • Minor tweaks by adjusting attachment points and hinting parameters
  • Numerous bug fixes in Graphite

31 Dec 2010 (SIL NRSI team) Annapurna SIL version (Version 1.000)

  • First version released under the SIL Open Font License