Dictionary App Builder 3.0 Released
Dictionary App Builder 3.0 is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. You can use it to build customised Android and iOS apps.
What’s new in DAB 3.0?
- Initial release of Dictionary App Builder for Mac: you can now build dictionary apps for both Android and iOS (iPhone and iPad).

- The user interface has a new fresh look with a navigation drawer that slides in from the side of the screen.

- You can provide multiple user interface languages for the user to choose from.
- Various bug fixes.
For more details, please see the Release Notes.
To download the new version, please visit the Download page.
Important Note:
The Android app in DAB 3.0 now needs to be compiled using the platform libraries for the latest version of Android (8.0 Oreo). This means you will need to update your Android SDK installation, if you have not already done so. You can update the SDK within DAB, on the Android SDK page of the Settings dialog. This is a large download (more than 100 MB).