One of the goals of the Pathway project is to leverage existing standards. Pathway makes an effort to leverage and conform to a number of existing standards.


XHTML is a web standard. It is defined by the World Wide Web Consortium. They have prepared training materials as well as arrived at the standards. Pathway converts all input into this format and generates all output from this format. You can participate in the discussion of a standard way of using XHTML for dictionary or Scripture representation.


CSS is a web standard with ongoing development. It is defined by the World Wide Web Consortium. They have prepared training materials as well as arrived at the standards. It provides a standardized way to store the style information separately from the content information. It integrates with the XHTML. Cascading is also defined as part of the CSS standard.


Open Document Format (ODF) is an open standard that brings together the content and styles required for a word processing document. It is used by Libre Office and Open Office.


Epub incorporates XHTML and CSS and combines it with fonts, pictures and meta data to create the electronic publication. It is an open standard defined by publishers.

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