
  • Updated user roles in Paratext no longer require project administrators to run a full sync in Scripture Forge. If a user’s role has changed in Paratext, they can navigate or refresh the My Projects page to view their Scripture Forge projects that need updated. There will be an “Update” button that allows the user to just sync their new role and permissions on a project.
  • Language code information is checked in the draft generation workflow. If there’s a potential problem with the language code pairings, it will be highlighted in yellow.
  • The option to select the entire Old Testament or New Testament has been removed from the Generate draft page. It’s best practice to draft small amounts in each iteration before retraining the model.
  • There is now a confirmation message when a previous version of a chapter is restored.

Bug Fixes:

  • “Additional Training Data” files are now displayed correctly after they’ve been updated.
  • Pasting text into the editor now uses spaces between all new lines.