Tai Heritage Pro supports the following Unicode ranges:

Unicode block Tai Heritage Pro support
Tai Viet complete (AA80..AAC2 AADB..AADF)
C0 Controls and Basic Latin U+0020..U+007E
C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement U+00A0..U+00FF
Latin Extended-A U+0100..U+0103 U+0110..U+0115 U+0128..U+012D U+0131 U+014C..U+014F U+0152 U+0153 U+0160 U+0161 U+0168..U+016D U+0178 U+017D U+017E
Latin Extended-B U+0192 U+01A0 U+01A1 U+01AF U+01B0
Spacing Modifier Letters U+02C6..U+02CB U+02D0 U+02D8..U+02DC
Combining Diacritical Marks U+0300..U+0304 U+0306 U+0308..U+030A U+030C U+031B U+0323 U+0327
Greek and Coptic U+03C0
Thai U+0E3F
Latin Extended Additional U+1EA0..U+1EF1
General Punctuation U+2000..U+2015 U+2018..U+201A U+201C..U+201E U+2020..U+2022 U+2026..U+2030 U+2039 U+203A U+2044 U+2060
Currency Symbols U+20A3 U+20AB..U+20AD
Letterlike Symbols U+2122 U+2126
Mathematical Operators U+2202 U+2206 U+220F U+2211 U+2219..U+221A U+221E U+222B U+2248 U+2260 U+2264..U+2265
Geometric Shapes U+25CA U+25CC
Latin Extended-D U+A78C
Alphabetic Presentation Forms U+FB01..U+FB02

Support for Basic Latin, and particularly Vietnamese, is provided as a convenience, e.g., for use in menus or for displaying markup in text files. Tai Heritage Pro is not intended for extensive Latin script use.