Installing fonts from a .zip file

On most desktop operating systems (macOS & Windows) a .zip file archive can be decompressed and opened by double-clicking on it. In some cases a downloaded .zip file of fonts will be automatically decompressed by the OS.

The fonts in the archive can be installed using standard font installation procedures for your operating system. Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application, or even your computer, for the font to become available. For more help see these articles:

Important note: Only the .ttf version of the fonts is intended for direct installation. The .woff and .woff2 versions are only for use on web pages. See Using SIL Fonts on Web Pages.

Installing from an .exe file (Windows)

Some of our older font packages include an .exe installer for Windows. Once the package has been downloaded, you can double-click on it to install the font file and documentation. After installing, you can read the documentation files at Start / All programs / SIL / Fonts / fontname.

Note that certain applications may not see the new font immediately. You may have to quit and restart the application, or even your computer, for the font to become available.

Installing on mobile platforms

Some applications on mobile platforms support user-installed fonts. The procedures for installing the fonts differ between applications and mobile OSes. Please consult the application documentation for details of font support.