Managing audio translation projects (oral Scripture translations) is a complex task, but with the right tools, it becomes much easier. Audio Project Management (APM) is designed to help you effectively manage and collaborate on audio projects, whether you’re working alone or with a team. This guide will walk you through the essential steps for using Audio Project Manager, a versatile tool developed to aid in overcoming linguistic barriers and promoting community flourishing.

How to Get Started with Audio Project Manager

1. Sign Up and Complete User Profile

  1. Sign Up: Click this link to sign up for an account with Audio Project Manager. You can use your Paratext ID, Google credentials, or any email and password of your choice.
  2. Complete Profile: Fill in your name and choose the language you want to use. If your language is not listed, contact the development team.

Tip: Using a Paratext ID is beneficial if you plan to synchronize transcriptions with Paratext.

2. Upload Media Files

  1. Go to the Project Management Screen: Click the plus (+) sign on the card labeled “Audio Project Manager.”
  2. Upload Audio File: Select “Upload Media” and follow the prompts to upload your audio file. Choose the project type (Scripture or General), and identify the language of the recording.

3. Begin Transcribing

  1. Play and Transcribe: Click the play button to start the audio and type the transcription into the provided text box. Use the playback controls to pause, rewind, and speed up/slow down the audio.
  2. Save and Submit: Your work is saved every 30 seconds. When you finish, click “Submit” to move the work to the next step.

Tip: If you’re working with a team, another member can review your transcription by following the same steps.

Set Up a Team

1. Add a Team

  1. Click “ADD TEAM”: Enter a name for your team.
  2. Add Members: Click the “MEMBERS” button and use the “INVITE” button to send email invitations to team members, assigning roles as needed.

Set Up a Project

1. Define Project Details

  1. Enter Project Information: Provide the name, type (Scripture or General), language, and tags for your project.
  2. Describe Sections and Passages: Use the advanced settings to describe sections and passages, which can be done directly in APM or by importing a spreadsheet from Excel.

2. Customize Workflow

  1. Design the Workflow: As an Admin user, design the workflow steps for your team. Templates are available for common solutions, and each step can be customized or hidden based on your needs.

Offline Use and Occasionally Connected Teams

1. Offline Setup

  1. Install APM Desktop: Download and install the Audio Project Manager Desktop on your device (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
  2. Create Offline Projects: Use the desktop application to create personal projects. The data will be saved locally and not on any Internet server.

2. Occasionally Connected Teams

  1. Initial Setup: The project administrator sets up the project online and assigns work.
  2. Work Offline: Team members can download the project and work offline. When the work is done, export and import files to update the project.

By following these steps, you can set up and manage your projects, whether you are working alone or with a team. For further assistance, consult the online help and additional resources provided.

For more information, visit the Audio Project Manager page. If you have questions or need further details, feel free to contact the development team.