Current Version

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Lisu Bosa 2.000 for All Platforms
ZIP | 1.40 MB | 22 Feb 2023

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Current Versions

The main Lisu Bosa family contains the full range of weights in both upright and italic styles. Lisu Bosa Lolo is a lighter-weight family containing only regular and bold in both styles.

Lisu Bosa 2.000 ZIP | 1.40 MB | 22 Feb 2023
Mac OS, Linux, Windows

Lisu Bosa Lolo 2.000 ZIP | 1.09 MB | 22 Feb 2023
Mac OS, Linux, Windows

For developers, the latest source files are available at the Lisu Bosa GitHub repository.

Previous Versions

There are no earlier versions available yet. However, Lisu Bosa is loosely based on the older LisuTzimu fonts.

Note: We may alter metrics for major releases. Different versions of the font may result in different lines, line spacing, or paragraph lengths. Do not expect that a document laid out in one version will always have the same page breaks, etc., in future fonts.