

    What’s new in version 2.7?

    What’s New in Version 2.7 Below is a brief listing of the new features of version 2.7. • Rewrote UI localization feature for flexibility. • Add user interface (UI) localization for Spanish. In the Options dialog box, under the Interface tab, the user can select Spanish as the User… Read More

    What’s new in version 2.6?

    What’s New in Version 2.6 Below is a brief listing of the new features of version 2.6. • Add an “Add all” and “Delete all” options to Item Selection dialog boxes. • Add General Search for text. • Give count for words in text with syllable size. • Add support… Read More

    What’s new in version 2.5?

    What’s New in Version 2.5 Below is a brief listing of the new features of version 2.5. • Added more graphemes to pre-defined grapheme list. • Added a prompt to clear or not clear the current grapheme when initializing the grapheme inventory. This allows you to use the grapheme inventory… Read More

    PrimerPro training in Bangkok

    In Bangkok, Thailand, a PrimerPro training event was held from 5-8 October 2015. At this training event there were10 participants representing five languages (Bangla, Nepali, Setswana, Sinhala and Tamil). They worked in pairs. Each language had a different script. They were trained on the use of PrimerPro for producing MLE… Read More

    What’s new in version 2.4?

    What’s New in version2.4? Below is a brief listing of the new features of version 2.4. · The Frequency Count searches add a new option to display percentages as well as counts for each grapheme. There is also a new option for ignoring tone. · The Grapheme searches can handle… Read More