Current Version

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SayMore 3.7.1 for Windows
MSI | 85.74 MB | 7 Feb 2025


  • Any supported version of Windows. (It is possible that it will run on older, unsupported versions of Windows, but this is not recommended.)

  • .Net 4.6.2, or later, which you already have installed if you get regular Windows updates

  • If you want SayMore to show PDFs, you will need to have a PDF viewer installed which works with Internet Explorer. (Most people have Adobe Reader, FoxIt, or something similar.)

Here are the latest Release Notes .

Previous Versions

Older versions of SayMore can be downloaded below.

Holding a Workshop Away From Fast Internet?

If you plan to be installing SayMore on other people’s machines once you get there, take the correct .Net 4.6.2 Standalone Installer with you, in case some of the workshop participants don’t have it.

Other Helpful Resources

Fixing Creation Dates

Often recording devices have the wrong dates, and so you get a recording claiming it was created years ago. SKTimeStamp adds a tab to the Properties dialog of the file in Windows Explorer, so you can fix the date.

Trimming Videos

Often you have some extra footage at the beginning and end of a video recording. It would be great if SayMore could help you trim that. But for now, there are various tools to help. We haven’t found anything as reliable and simple as we’d like, so let us know if you find something better than these: Avidemux, Free Video Editor.

Making Subtitled Videos

SayMore can export your transcriptions into the right format for subtitling. But it can’t yet actually make the video for you. We’ve found Camtasia Studio fantastic for adding subtitles exported from SayMore and then producing a video for any format. For example, for making a video the community can watch on mobile phones. If you qualify, take advantage of Camtasia’s educational discount.

RAMP (for SIL members)

SayMore can use RAMP to prepare packages for archival to REAP, SIL’s internal archival repository. You can download RAMP here.