WeSay 1.5 is now considered the official “release version.” The Windows version can be downloaded here:

WeSay 1.5.39for Windows MSI | 52.82 MB | 15 Feb 2017

and there are installation instructions for Linux on the downloads page.

Most of the known bugs have been fixed. However, do check out our “Known Issues” below.

New since the Release Candidate version

  • Fixed a minor display problem for task tabs in localized versions.

Known Issues in WeSay 1.5

  • When doing Send/Receive, sometimes it times out after 900 seconds (15 minutes).
  • In order to display most non-roman scripts on Linux, you will need to turn on GeckoFX. (On Windows, GeckoFX is only needed for Graphite fonts.) However, there are a number of issues with Gecko on Precise. If you need non-roman support, at this point we recommend using Trusty with Gecko turned on. However, there still may be some issues with automatic keyboard switching and tabbing between fields (need to tab twice).
  • Not all controls have been converted to use Gecko, so on Linux some will still display boxes for certain non-roman scripts. Some examples include: the History report for Send/Receive and the keyboard test area in the WeSay Configuration Tool.