We welcome other developers who wish to get involved in supporting and enhancing this software.

The source code is available in the GitHub project. Further information on how to set up your development environment is included in the Github project documentation. FieldWorks uses the GNU Lesser General Public License.

FieldWorks development documentation is available in the GitHub documentation page.

The Graphite2 engine is released under the GNU Lesser Public License
(LGPL) – version 2.1.

The SilGraphite engine and Graphite compiler are released under both:

  • GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) – version 2.1
  • Common Public License – version 0.5

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See either the GNU Lesser General Public License or the Common Public License for more details.

Developer Info

This is information for software developers who want to contribute to FieldWorks.

The source code is available in the GitHub project.


The best way to contribute your enhancements is to fork the Github project, then submit pull requests to the development team. It would be helpful, however, for you to first contact the team to find out whether your intended enhancement or fix is already being worked on by someone else. That would also give you an idea of whether that enhancement would be welcomed by the team.


If you would like to contact the development team, please use the Contact Form.