FieldWorks Language Explorer consists of software tools that help you manage linguistic and cultural data. FieldWorks supports tasks that range from the initial entry of collected data through the preparation of data for publication. It is comprised of five main areas that work together.
Lexicon Area
This area contains the forms (stems, roots, morphemes, phrases and so on) and their descriptions. Here, you can edit and browse your data. You can configure the dictionary to look like you want. You can use Bulk Edit to more easily populate data fields. You can configure and define reversal entries. You can use ‘Collect Words’ to rapidly enter words for this project.
Texts & Words Area
This area contains texts and lists of the words in the texts. Texts can be used to analyze the Words. A parser can help with the analysis, based on defined rules. There is a discourse analysis tool that can be used to analyze texts. Words can be added to the lexicon from the texts. Texts from Paratext can be included here and analyzed. There is also a Concordance and Complex Concordance to find words based on context.
Grammar Area
This area contains tools for morphological parsing. It allows you to define rules that govern project data. The Grammar area stores the grammatical data that is referenced, for example, in Lexicon Edit and used by computational parsers.
Notebook Area
The Notebook allows you to manage data for language and cultural field work. This tool facilitates documenting, categorizing, retrieving, analyzing, and summarizing conclusions about your field notes. You can use it to gain insights from your anthropological fieldnotes. The text field in Notebook data is automatically available as a text in the Texts & Words area.
Lists Area
The lists in this area con be configured and populated to meet the needs of your project. Custom lists can also be defined.
Complex Scripts
FLEx supports complex non-roman scripts Using Unicode and SIL-developed Graphite.