Release Date: August 3, 2024

We are glad to announce that the FieldWorks patch version 9.2.2 is being released. This patch to version 9.2.0 contains a few fixes and improvements. It should be installed on top of version 9.2.0. It is available for download on the 9.2.0 download page.

Changes in version 9.2.2

  • LT-20849 Fix words cut off in RTL baseline views.
  • LT-21586 Export/Import Phonology.
  • LT-21708 In word export, fix caption character styles.
  • LT-21728 Improve order of suggested parses in interlinear view.
  • LT-21756 Add Parser Test Reports capabilities for the parsers.
  • LT-21788 Display inflection features for affixes.
  • LT-21807 Fix pictures in subentries in Word export.
  • LT-21816 Show primary lex entry for Inflectional variant.
  • LT-21823 Add more style support.
  • LT-21838 Improve refresh in dictionary view.
  • LT-21851 Fix crash when clicking on ‘Choose inflection features’ in the Bulk Edit Entries view.

For more specifics about version 9.2 and the changes included in it, see the Alpha release notes.