Release Date: Sept. 16, 2024

We are glad to announce that the FieldWorks patch version 9.2.3 is being released. This patch to version 9.2.0 contains a few fixes and improvements. It should be installed on top of version 9.2.0. It is available for download on the 9.2.0 download page.

Changes in version 9.2.3

  • LT-21672 Implement Table Generation in Word Export.
  • LT-21674 Export all Before/After content as content using the Dictionary-Context style.
  • LT-21701 Fix the “Find” button in Dictionary view which has been broken since FW9.0.17.
  • LT-21705 Don’t delete any sound files that are still being used.
  • LT-21707 Create and use styles in the exported Word document.
  • LT-21708 Export embedded images with their captions in the Word Export.
  • LT-21751 Implement Writing System styles in Word export.
  • LT-21761 Handle “Display in Separate Paragraphs” option in Word export styles.
  • LT-21769 Handle “Based On” property for styles.
  • LT-21771 Implement generate grouping node in Word export.
  • LT-21778 Fix continuation styles to be compatible with image textframe styles in Word export.
  • LT-21824 Fix punctuation error in custom field name, even after removing punctuation.
  • LT-21830 Implement separate paragraphs in Word export.
  • LT-21835 Improve Parser Testbed UI.
  • LT-21840 Correct missing Before/Between/After text in lexical relations.
  • LT-21852 Fix import Phonology command mistakenly suggests an SFM file is needed for the import.
  • LT-21854 Fix Delete reports button which was not working properly and it led to crash.
  • LT-21855 Fix scrolling function in “Parse Test Reports”.
  • LT-21858 The ‘Parser test reports’ pane now highlights an accurate report.
  • LT-21859 Fix minor problems in parser test reports.
  • LT-21863 Add a comment field to Parser Test Reports.
  • LT-21865 Fix parser hanging on non-primary writing system.
  • LT-21868 Fix Run Tests should use wordforms with no. in corpus > 0.
  • LT-21869 Allow Run Tests report columns to expand.
  • LT-21872 Fix Import Phonology crashes in Grammar area.
  • LT-21894 Make Import Phonology command only available in Grammar area.
  • LT-21909 Add a hyphen in “Remove Parser approved analyses”.

For more specifics about version 9.2 and the changes included in it, see the Alpharelease notes.