Scripture Forge


    August 27 updates

    Improvements: On the Generate draft page, the book selection buttons show an indication of the percentage of the book that has already been translated. SIL TTF fonts are now supported. When a new user joins a project, the prompt to provide the name lets them know that other people will… Read More

    August 21 updates

    Improvements: Error messages differentiate between invalid USFM formatting errors and unsupported USFM tags. Bug Fixes: Duplicate note IDs will no longer prevent projects from syncing with Paratext. Verses with notes no longer break the ability to navigate with keyboard arrow keys. The Auto Draft tab opens automatically when you click… Read More

    August 13 updates

    Improvements: After a generated draft has been applied to a project, the “Add to project” button changes to “Re-add to project.” The Auto Draft tab will only open automatically for chapters that have generated drafts that haven’t yet been applied to the project. Footnotes and cross-references for Study Bibles are… Read More

    August 7 updates

    Improvements: Generated drafts will now always follow the same USFM structure as the source project, regardless of the USFM structure for the target book. The unsupported font message now links directly to the contact us e-mail option. The announcements link in the help menu now directs to this News page. Read More

    July 30 updates

    Improvements: On the Generate draft page, the latest draft that is being generated is now listed above previously-generated drafts. The Help menu now has icons. Bug Fixes: CTRL+A selects the content from the current segment. The Auto Draft tab is automatically opened when users navigate to the book from the Generate… Read More

    My Projects page and other updates

    New Features: The new My Projects page provides a list of all the projects your account is connected to. Access the page by clicking the Scripture Forge icon at the top of the page or from the user menu by clicking on your profile picture. Generated drafts can be added… Read More

    July 9 updates

    Improvements: When sharing a link for Community Checking, the default option will now be a multi-use link that expires after 14 days. Admins can choose to customize their sharing options and choose a different expiration time. A warning message provides guidance when a project-specified font is not fully supported. Read More

    July 2 updates

    Improvements: Previously-generated drafts can be previewed and downloaded while a new draft is being generated. Paratext registry connection issues will less frequently require users to log out and log back in. Read More

    Updates in June 2024

    New features: AI generated drafts can be downloaded as a zip file containing USFM files for each book. Paratext and DBL resources can be added as tabs. Improvements: For AI-generated drafts, the list of drafted books is sorted by their canonical order. The user menu (project home and… Read More

    Older release notes

    Release notes from before June 2024 are posted at Read More