

    The little things matter

    When text is too little to be legible, you waste time and hurt your eyes squinting. Sorry it took so long to make this better, but Transcelerator 3.1.0 addresses this problem. Now you can use Zoom In (Ctrl + Plus) or Zoom Out (Ctrl + Minus) to increase or decrease… Read More

    Transcelerator 3.0 for Paratext 9.2

    Paratext 9.2 has an all-new way of working with plugins that is faster and more powerful. Transcelerator 3.0 uses the new API and is now available! Existing Transcelerator users will only notice a few obvious differences, but there are a lot of little improvements under the hood, and this… Read More

    Paratext Incompatibility Resolved

    The problem with Paratext should be fixed now. If you have upgraded to the latest version of Paratext and are still experiencing difficulties, please post with the version of Paratext you have installed and the symptoms of the problem you are having. Read More

    Draft versions of French and Spanish questions

    The latest version (1.3.9, released today) of Transcelerator now includes French and Spanish versions of all questions, answers, and notes. Most of these are “auto-translated and have not been carefully reviewed, but they are probably mostly good enough to be usable. If you find mistakes (or if you want to… Read More

    Version 1.3 – Internationalization!

    For everyone who has been waiting for the past few years for Transcelerator to support translation of questions from a source language other than English, your wait is (almost) over! With the advent of version 1.3 (released today), Transcelerator can now support display of questions, answers, and notes in languages… Read More

    Blazing a trail for Paratext Plugins

    Not only is Transcelerator a great program in its own right, it also served to blaze the trail for the creation of Paratext plugins. If you have some programming experience and you use Paratext, at some point you’ve probably thought, “I sure wish Paratext… Read More