A Quick Guide to WeSay for Initial Word Collection

These were contributed by David Rowbory in Nigeria. David is mainly a Translation Consultant but also trains people to use WeSay. (Hence the mention of Hausa, the language of wider communication other than English.) Thanks, David!

David says: “Good descriptions of words kept in a dictionary really help translation and WeSay is one of the best ways to involve a whole community in the documentation of their language. New WeSay users asked me for short reminder videos to take away after their training since they were often going to be traveling to the other side of the country and often had only just started using computers.”

WeSay 1 Getting a project from USB (00:47)


WeSay 2 Opening WeSay (01:52)


WeSay 3 Gather Words (04:27)


WeSay 4 Describe Words (04:13)


WeSay 5 Send & Receive (02:42)