Andika Six is simply a renamed version of Andika v6.200 with no other changes. Andika version 7 will include metrics changes that could cause lines, paragraphs, and pages to reflow. Because of this we wanted to provide a font that reproduced the exact metrics and behavior of Andika v6.200 and could be installed at the same time as the newest Andika (v7 and beyond). Once released, Andika v7 will be the best font for most people to use. But if you have documents that you prepared with Andika v6.200 you can install Andika Six, change the doc to use it instead of Andika, and avoid any issues with reflow. Then you can use Andika v7 for new documents and benefit from the many improvements in that and future versions.

Andika Six is available from the Andika Download page.