The only change in this maintenance release is a change in the Graphite feature identifiers from integers to 4-character alphanumeric tags. This was required because although Mozilla Firefox has now implemented support for Graphite, feature identifiers only work if they are 4-character alphanumeric tags. If you would like to use these features in Firefox, this webpage describes how to access font features. The font download contains a document (DoulosSIL-features.pdf) which describes the old and new feature identifiers. Existing documents (such as those created by LibreOffice/OpenOffice) which use the old identifiers will need to be changed to use the new identifiers. Future releases will use the new 4-character alphanumeric tags.

Unless you wish to use the font features in Mozilla Firefox, you should continue using Charis SIL 4.110.

Download the newest release packages from the Download Page.

Download v4.112 of the release packages from the Previous Versions Page.