We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 9.0.14 is being released. This optional release is a patch that must be installed on top of version 9.0.11 or 9.0.12, so is available for download on the 9.0.11/12/14 download page.

Also optional, is a fix to FLExBridge (Send/Receive). If installed, your FLExBridge will be upgraded to version 3.1.8. The link to this FLExBridge installer is available on the 9.0.11/12/14 download page.

With Send/Receive, FW9.0.14 will not merge data with colleagues using versions of FieldWorks older than 9.0.8. With this version both the data model in Flex as well as the data model in FlexBridge are both critical to being able to merge with colleagues. The Flex data model has not changed since FW9.0.4, but the FlexBridge model has changed in FlexBridge 3.1.4-beta.307 which is installed by FW9.0.8. So if you are using Send/Receive with colleagues, all users will need to upgrade to FW9.0.8 or later to continue collaboration.

On Linux you must update Paratext to version 9 if you are installing version 9 of FieldWorks. If you need to continue using Paratext 8 then you should keep using FieldWorks 8.

On Windows you must update Paratext to version 9 if you are installing version 9.0.8 or later of FieldWorks. If you need to continue using Paratext 8 then you should keep using an earlier version of FieldWorks.

For more specifics about version 9.0 and the changes made, see the release notes

Bugs fixed since version 9.0.12
For FieldWorks:

  • LT-16138 Diacritics can now be entered in the first character of a free translation in Lao.
  • LT-20428 In Linux, keyboard switching happens in Gnome with Ibus Keyboard.
  • LT-20434 After receiving an error message in the format writing system dialog, don’t exit after pressing OK.
  • LT-20473 Remove automatic startup copy of writing systems from global store.
  • LT-20419 Type Ahead option box closes when it should.

For FLExBridge:

  • LT-20464 When a user deletes a writing system in a S/R project, it is now passed on to colleagues.