
A separate tool, Pathway, provides publishing paths for data in Language Explorer (FLEx) and Translation Editor (TE). The current version of Pathway can be downloaded from the Pathway website.

The Pathway Configuration Tool allows for broader choices and set-up of suitable stylesheets. A customized subset of publication layouts is then presented to the user when using Pathway from within Paratext or FLEx.

Pathway currently supports configured exports to PDF, Open Office and InDesign, and there is work underway to expand this to mobile phones, e-readers and websites.


Webonary is a WordPress website the allows dictionaries to be accessed on-line.
Beginning with version 8.3, publishing to Webonary is very easy. Once you have an account at, all you have to do is configure the necessary credentials, choose what you want to publish, and click a button, to upload your data. To upload a newer version of your data, just click that button again.
For more information, see the Webonary About page.