FLExTools20WithFLExTrans 3.2 (FLExTrans 3.2 with Sense Linker 3.0 & Live Rule Tester 3.2.5)

  • Support for doing syntax parsing and tree manipulation. You can now integrate with the program Use PCPATR with FLEx to parse your FLEx text syntactically. When you approve one of the parses (shown as a syntax tree) the constituent morphemes will be approved and saved in your interlinear text. You can then manipulate the syntax tree you saved with the tool TreeTran and use that as a front-end to FLExTrans. For example, you could re-order phrases such as making a prepositional phrase a postpositional phrase.
  • Support for handling discontiguous complex forms in your source text.
  • Now easily edit your testbed in the XXE XML editor tool. Also there’s an Edit Testbed button to take you to XXE in the Live Rule Tester tool and the Testbed Log Viewer tool.
  • FLExTrans now is written in Python 3 and integrates PyQt5.

Please follow the installation steps if you are installing FLExTrans for the first time.