Installation Steps:
Download the installer and run it
- Download FLExTrans and double-click it to run. Note: you should install (and run FLExTrans) with a user that is a Windows administrator. If you don’t have other users on your Windows system, you probably are already administrator.
Install FLExTrans in a folder that doesn’t need special permissions. For example, don’t install into Program Files. Note: three ancillary tools (Python, XMLMind and Rule Assistant) will automatically get installed under system folders like Program Files.
- Follow the steps in the install wizard to do the following:
- Install Python when given the option. Remember to check the Add to Path checkbox. (If you already have Python 3.11 or 3.12 64bit installed, you can skip the Python install.)
- Install XMLmind 8.2.0. (This is an XML editor used to edit FLExTrans transfer rules and more)
Important license information. Please read before installing XMLmind
FLExTrans depends on the XMLmind XML Editor so you must obtain the XMLmind XML Editor in order to properly use FLExTrans. XMLmind offers a very generous Personal Edition License for the XMLmind XML Editor which, if you qualify, means that you can use it for free. If you do not qualify for the Personal Edition License, then you will need to purchase a Professional Edition from XMLmind. For those of you who are a member of SIL International and are going to use the XMLmind XML Editor program on your own computer, you do qualify to use the Personal Edition. If you are not a member of SIL International, you may well qualify, but be sure to read the license carefully. You can find the license at
If you do not qualify, please click here to purchase the software.
If you qualify for the free Personal Edition of the XMLmind XML Editor, follow the normal install steps.
It is important that you use version 8.2.0 whether you use the free version which is included in this install or purchase it. No other version will work with FLExTrans. XMLmind may prompt you at some point to upgrade, but please do not.
Install dependencies
You may not have to do these steps if you saw a black command prompt window shown with various packages being installed.
- Go to the FLExTrans folder (under the folder where you choose to install)
- Double-click on command.bat (this will finish installing needed Python libraries)
- The installation is finished!
Try a test translation!
- ‘Restore’ the two sample FLEx projects: German-FLExTrans-Sample and Swedish-FLExTrans-Sample which are located in the SampleFLExProjects folder under the FLExTrans folder (under the folder where you choose to install). You can restore them by double-clicking on them.
- Open the WorkProjects subfolder (under FLExTrans) and then the German-Swedish subfolder.
- Start FlexTools by double-clicking on FlexTools.vbs (You may get a Security Warning box that comes up. Untick the box that says “Always ask before opening this file” and click Open.)
- Click the Run All toolbar button to run all of the FLExTrans modules.
The German sentence ‘Ich liebe dich.‘ (I love you.) will get translated to the Swedish ‘Jag älskar dig.‘ - Open the Swedish-FLExTrans-Sample FLEx project and refresh the list of texts. You should see Text1 appear with the Swedish translation in it.