Asheninka: a Syllable Parser

A tool for exploring algorithms to parse words into syllables and insert discretionary hyphens.


Asheninka: A Syllable Parser

Asheninka is a versatile syllable parser designed for multilingual syllabification. This innovative tool helps users explore algorithms to parse words into syllables and insert discretionary hyphens efficiently. Running seamlessly on Windows, Mac, and Linux, Asheninka allows you to quickly compare the syllabification of thousands of words, making it an essential asset for linguists and language enthusiasts. With Asheninka, you can import word lists from Paratext and FLEx, syllabify them, and export the hyphenated results for use in Paratext and InDesign. This powerful software also functions as a spelling checker, flagging potential typos by highlighting words that fail to syllabify. Additionally, you can compare differences between two sets of data, ensuring consistency and accuracy in your work.



Asheninka offers up to six syllabification algorithms. (The current, alpha version only has the CV Approach.)

See the Introduction to Syllabification document on the resources page for more on these algorithms.

Syllabified Words Example


One can quickly see the predicted syllabification for words and can compare the predicted results with the correct, expected results.

Comparing words


One can easily make a backup of the current state of an implementation and then compare it to a previous state.

Common questions

What operating systems does Asheninka run on?
Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.

Why is it called Asheninka?
This syllable parsing program is called Asheninka (pronounced a SHEN in ka) for historic reasons.

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