We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 9.0.12 is being released. It is a patch that must be installed on top of version 9.0.11, so is available for download on the 9.0.11/12 page.

With Send/Receive, FW9.0.12 will not merge data with colleagues using versions of FieldWorks older than 9.0.8. With this version both the data model in Flex as well as the data model in FlexBridge are both critical to being able to merge with colleagues. The Flex data model has not changed since FW9.0.4, but the FlexBridge model has changed in FlexBridge 3.1.4-beta.307 which is installed by FW9.0.8. So if you are using Send/Receive with colleagues, all users will need to upgrade to FW9.0.8 or later to continue collaboration.

On Linux you must update Paratext to version 9 if you are installing version 9 of FieldWorks. If you need to continue using Paratext 8 then you should keep using FieldWorks 8.

On Windows you must update Paratext to version 9 if you are installing version 9.0.8 or later of FieldWorks. If you need to continue using Paratext 8 then you should keep using an earlier version of FieldWorks.

For more specifics about version 9.0 and the changes made, see the release notes

Bugs fixed since version 9.0.11

  • LT-19115 Display Grammatical Categories even when not localized.
  • LT-19236 Fix keyboard malfunction in interlinear text boxes.
  • LT-19904 Fix problem displaying characters in-valid characters box.
  • LT-20117 Fix problem switching Keyman keyboards in Linux.
  • LT-20249 Fix crash in Linux TryAWord.
  • LT-20370 Fix Keyman keyboards in Linux that weren’t working for some languages.
  • LT-20371 Add File menu item to import translated grammatical categories.
  • LT-20385 Fix focus problem when combo box is closed. This includes the problem with the enter shortcut not working when interlineaizing.
  • LT-20386 Fix crash updating Grammatical Categories translations.