We are glad to announce that FieldWorks version 9.0.9 is being released. This version fixes some serious bugs in version 9.0.8.

With Send/Receive, FW9.0.9 will not merge data with colleagues using versions of FieldWorks older than 9.0.8. With this version both the data model in Flex as well as the data model in FlexBridge are both critical to being able to merge with colleagues. The Flex data model has not changed since FW9.0.4, but the FlexBridge model has changed in FlexBridge 3.1.4-beta.307 which is installed by FW9.0.8. So if you are using Send/Receive with colleagues, all users will need to upgrade to FW9.0.8 or FW9.0.9 to continue collaboration.

On Linux you must update Paratext to version 9 if you are installing version 9 of FieldWorks. If you need to continue using Paratext 8 then you should keep using FieldWorks 8.

On Windows you must update Paratext to version 9 if you are installing version 9.0.8 or later of FieldWorks. If you need to continue using Paratext 8 then you should keep using an earlier version of FieldWorks.

For more specifics about version 9.0 and the changes made, see the beta release notes.

Bugs fixed since version 9.0.8

  • LT-19688 Fix crash switching to Lexicon Edit after Bulk Edit delete all entries.
  • LT-20047 XLingPaper word-aligned interlinear export removes affix prepend/append glosses.
  • LT-20114 Fix Writing System Label in Find box in Lexicon in Linux.
  • LT-20194 Fix crash choosing texts.
  • LT-20239 Fix S/R Get Project from Colleague when using Swedish Locale in Windows.
  • LT-20230, LT-20242 Prevent crashes in the writing systems properties when unavailable (italicized) keyboards are selected.
  • LT-20211 Fix crashes many users had with this version when switching keyboards.
  • LT-20215 Fix Memory Leak that was causing slow speed and high memory usage.
  • LT-20220 Fix problem that many users had where they were not able to use FB3.1.4 until it is repaired or reinstalled.
  • LT-20248 Fix many crashes in Spanish interface if the Spanish spelling dictionary is disabled.