Unicode has a number of honorific ligatures. The below chart should aid in understanding in what context they should be used. As new characters, applications may have problems with rendering them in right-to-left text. In some cases, you can correct reading order problems by inserting a Right-to-Left mark (U+200F) after the honorific ligature.

To view the simplified alternate glyphs and for instructions in accessing the simplified alternate glyphs, see the Features document.

Unicode Name
RAHIMAHU ALLAAHFD40May God have mercy upon him.
(Used for companions of the prophet or other widely recognized scholars. Can be for any believer who has passed away.)
RADI ALLAAHU ANHFD41May God be pleased with him.
(Used for companions of the prophet.)
RADI ALLAAHU ANHAAFD42May God be pleased with her.
(Used for companions of the prophet, and in some regions for others such as Mary or Jesus’ apostles.)
RADI ALLAAHU ANHUMFD43May God be pleased with them (masculine plural, but can be used for a mixed group of men and women).
(Used for companions of the prophet.)
RADI ALLAAHU ANHUMAAFD44May God be pleased with them (both).
(Used for companions of the prophet.)
RADI ALLAAHU ANHUNNAFD45May God be pleased with them (feminine).
(Used for companions of the prophet.)
SALLALLAAHU ALAYHI WA-AALIHFD46Blessings of God be upon him and the people of his household.
(Used particularly in Shia Islam for leaders who come from the bloodline of the prophet.)
ALAYHI AS-SALAAMFD47Peace be upon him.
(The normal honorific used after a prophet’s or an Archangel’s name.)
ALAYHIM AS-SALAAMFD48Peace be upon them.
(Used for two or more prophets.)
ALAYHIMAA AS-SALAAMFD49Peace be upon them (both).
(Used for prophets and angels.)
ALAYHI AS-SALAATU WAS-SALAAMFD4ABlessings and Peace be upon him.
(A lesser used honorific used after a prophet’s or an Archangel’s name.)
QUDDISA SIRRAHFD4BMay his secret be sanctified.
(Used for Sufi saints, and refers to their shrines where people come to worship.)
SALLALLAHU ALAYHI WA-AALIHEE WA-SALLAMFD4CThe blessings of God and peace be upon him and the people of his household.
(Used by all Muslims, but particularly in Shia Islam for the prophet Muhammad.)
ALAYHAA AS-SALAAMFD4DPeace be upon her.
(Used after the name of a woman who was the mother of a prophet.)
TABAARAKA WA-TAAALAAFD4EMay he be blessed and exalted (Blessed and Lofty).
(One of the honorifics used only for God himself.)
RAHIMAHUM ALLAAHFD4FGod have mercy upon them (masculine).
(Used for widely recognized scholars. Also used for ordinary believers.)
SALAAMUHU ALAYNAAFDCFHis peace be upon us.
(Used by some followers of Jesus to give special honor to him.)
SALLALLAHOU ALAYHEWASALLAMFDFAThe blessings and peace of God be upon him.
(Used after the name of a major prophet, especially the prophet of Islam.)
JALLAJALALOUHOUFDFBMay His glory be glorified.
(Used after the name of God.)
BISMILLAH AR-RAHMAN AR-RAHEEMFDFDIn the name of God, the most merciful, the most compassionate.
(Used as the opening of each action in order to receive blessing from God.)
SUBHAANAHU WA TAAALAAFDFEMay He be praised and exalted (Glorified and Lofty).
(The most common honorific for God.)
AZZA WA JALLFDFF﷿ The Glorified/Exalted/Mighty and Sublime (Prestigious and Majestic).
(The second most common honorific for God.)