These tutorials will give a basic overview of SIL Transcriber.

Try It!

The simplest way to experience SIL Transcriber is to give it a try.

Team Setup

If you will be working on a collaborative transcription project, you’ll want to setup a team.

Project Setup

Whether you are working on transcription on your own or with others, you’ll want to setup a project. The Try It! item shows how to setup simply with an audio file but if you have multiple audio files that are transcribing different passages, you’ll want to setup a project.

Offline Setup

Off line use is for users who are working alone (without other team members). It does not require any connection to the Internet. It also does not back up the transcription work on line. Transcription work can be done off line as described in the Offline Use tutorial.

Occasionally Connected Team

Occasionally Connected Team use is intended for locations where the Internet is not available or is expensive to use. SIL Transcriber sets up the project on line but once it is setup, it can be used off line. This use is described in the more detailed Occasionally Connected Team scenario.