Audio Project Manager


SIL Transcriber 2 ver 0.7.5

We are happy to announce the release of beta version of SIL Transcriber 2.0. It is a web app but also provides a Desktop Extension for those who need to be able to work offline without an Internet connection. These are some of the key features… Read More

Release 1.0.0

The SIL Transcriber allows an individual or team to transcribe and upload multiple tasks from multiple projects to Paratext or other applications. Version 1 will install sample data. Once the user is familiar with the operation of the program, this sample project can be deleted. The screens now have a… Read More

Beta Release (0.3.8)

The SIL Transcriber Beta allows an individual or team to transcribe and upload multiple tasks from multiple projects to Paratext or other applications. The beta release adds Indonesian as a language into which the program is localized. The duration is included with each task that has audio. References for non-Paratext… Read More

Alpha 3 Release Notes

The SIL Transcriber Alpha 3 allows an individual or team to transcribe and upload multiple tasks from multiple projects to Paratext or other applications. The alpha 3 release adds the ability to create many tasks at once from a folder with the audio files and a spreadsheet that describes them. Read More

Alpha 2 Release Notes

The SIL Transcriber Alpha 2 allows an individual or team to transcribe and upload multiple tasks from multiple projects to Paratext or other applications. The program has been localized into 9 languages. When the administrator first runs the program and chooses a language, this language becomes the default (which can… Read More

Released Alpha version 1

The first release SIL Transcriber, Alpha 1, includes the basic “Happy path” functions of the program. It allows a task to be created and transcribed. Once transcribed it can be reviewed and uploaded to Paratext. Read More