Scripture App Builder


Scripture App Builder 1.6 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.6 has been released. This new version includes: a change to audio file distribution, to allow you to specify different audio sources for different audio files, e.g. some files could be packaged in the app and others could be downloaded from the internet; an easier way to… Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.5 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.5 has been released. This new version makes use of recent improvements to automated audio-text synchronization using aeneas, including: the ability to detect the length of a header section to ignore, and a new Fine Tune Timings feature. The way aeneas works is… Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.4 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.4 has been released. This new version includes: Contents Menu: An optional user-friendly home screen menu to help the user find books, stories and sections. Add items with title, optional subtitle, image and reference link. Add sub-menus by adding additional screens. Import/export contents menus between different apps. Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.3.1 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.3.1 has been released. This is a minor release, mainly containing a few bug fixes reported by users. It includes one handy new feature for modifying book names. Book names look best in apps if they are in mixed case, e.g. “John” rather than “JOHN”. If the… Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.3 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.3 has been released. This version includes: Export to HTML: Click on book(s) and right-click ‘Export to HTML’. Preview the book formatting in your browser (IE, Firefox, Chrome, etc.) before you build the app. If your app has audio and timing files, you can also preview audio-text… Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.2 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.2 has been released. This version includes: an optional footer message at the bottom of each page or chapter, phone number links in the about box and footers, as well as some important bug fixes. For more details please see the Release Notes. Go to… Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.1 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.1 has been released. We appreciate very much the response from users around the world who have sent feedback since the first release last month. Many thanks to Anton for designing the new set of app launcher icons, and to Rodion for the Ukranian and Russian translations. Read More

Scripture App Builder 1.0 Released

Scripture App Builder 1.0 was released today. The first public release of Scripture App Builder is now available to download. Thank you to everyone in language teams around the world who have sent feedback, reported bugs and suggested enhancements over the past year. It… Read More