Translation Editor
Translation Editor is now only minimally supported. Please use ParaTExt instead. TE will be going away in a future version (soon).
Translation Editor helps Bible translators enter, edit and check Scripture in a vernacular language. It allows Bible translators to:
- use styles, instead of standard format markers (back slash codes), to mark text structure.
- see their work in formatted “WYSIWYG” views, including direct printing of these formatted views.
- zoom in to view text more easily.
- produce back-translations for checking, optionally including an interlinearization of the original text.
- print vernacular scripture and the corresponding back translation paragraphs in a diglot layout.
- insert and classify notes.
- insert pictures and footnotes
- look up words in the Language Explorer lexicon.
- run various checking tools to find errors (e.g. versification, characters and punctuation usage, capitalization, etc.)
- create and use a custom spelling dictionary to view possible misspellings in the vernacular language (underlined with red squiggles), and use spelling dictionaries for the languages of wider communication (e.g. in back translations).
- change the spelling of a word in all or selected locations throughout the scripture texts.
- access tools in Language Explorer which list misspelled words in use.
- view the vernacular scripture translations in Language Explorer, gaining access to the concordance, interlinear tools, etc.
- use the FLEx interlinearization tool in combination with the parser to identify misspelled words (especially useful for agglutinative languages).
- view Biblical resources (USFM-ParaTExt such as the current verse in multiple, selected translations.
- set Logos to open every time Translation Editor is started.
- set other Bible software programs to scroll together with Translation Editor (e.g. Translators Workplace, Logos, etc.)
- identify the translation of key biblical terms to check consistency.
- import translations which are in standard format (e.g USFM) or OXES formats.
- export translations to USFM, OXES, RTF, and using the Pathway tool to Open Office, GoBible and other formats.
Like the rest of FieldWorks, Translation Editor uses Unicode, and stores data in a project for easy file management and back-up.