2020 News

14 December 2020
Version Alpha is now available
A new version of Asheninka (a Syllable Parser) is now available. To get an installer go to the download page. This version is currently only available in 64-bit versions. Contact us if you need a 32-b… read more

23 November 2020
This minor update (v3.12) better handles rogue input, such as files with lots of tabs, or with combining diacritics which immediately follow punctuation, spaces, or other unruly combinations. PrimerPr… read more

19 November 2020
Scripture Forge Imports Transcelerator Questions!
It is now possible to import questions from Transcelerator (version 1.5.3 or later) so they can be used as part of the online comprehension checking process supported by Scripture Forge.… read more

9 November 2020
Version 3.8.0 / 2.38.0 Released
XLingPaper version 3.8.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+ or 8.2+) and version 2.38.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note: for Mac user… read more

5 November 2020
Changes This release includes the following changes for this version: Renamed font to Scheherazade New Resizing Resized glyphs to better fit standard Arabic script fonts Adjusted line-spacing to refle… read more

13 October 2020
Phonology Assistant 4.0.2 release
Phonology Assistant 4.0.2 will work with Fieldworks 9.0.11 (the latest release) that is 64-bit. It interacts with the Fieldworks data using the Language and Cultural Model. In addition, this version f… read more

24 September 2020
New version of LingTree: version 1.2.4
Version 1.2.4 of LingTree is now available. It has one fix: Sometimes when copying data from some versions of MS Word, the resulting LingTree file could not be loaded again. (The string passed to th… read more

13 August 2020
What’s New in Version 3 (through 3.11) The most recent changes to PrimerPrep are: Cross-platform compatibility: PrimerPrep can now be run easily on Linux platforms. Internationalization: In addition… read more

4 August 2020
XLingPaper version 3.7.5 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+ or 8.2+) is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note: for Mac users upgrading to this version, please see: Using a new version … read more

13 July 2020
Paratext Incompatibility Resolved
The problem with Paratext should be fixed now. If you have upgraded to the latest version of Paratext and are still experiencing difficulties, please post with the version of Paratext you have install… read more

18 June 2020
Changes The most significant change to this version is the addition of a bold typeface. There are other major changes to this version: Added a bold typeface Added support for all characters in the Ara… read more

29 May 2020
New version of LingTree: version 1.2.2
Version 1.2.2 of LingTree is now available. It fixes two bugs for the case where the tree description has a left wedge (<) or a right wedge (>) in it: Migrating from an old version of Ling… read more

28 May 2020
Version 3.7.0 / 2.37.0 Released
XLingPaper version 3.7.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+ or 8.2+) and version 2.37.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Note: for Mac user… read more

27 May 2020
URGENT: Paratext is incompatible with Transcelerator
The Paratext development team made a recent change in the plugin code that inadvertently broke the interface Transcelerator uses. They are aware of the problem, but have not yet identified a fix, and … read more

11 March 2020
SILKin 2.4 Provides Automatic Back-Ups to Reduce Data Loss
If a SILK file becomes corrupted, or if the computer crashes, it has been possible to lose a lot (or all) of the data. SILKin 2.4 creates back-up copies of SILK files every time the User saves their f… read more

11 March 2020
Screens and Menus Now in French or English
SILKin 2.2 has been “Internationalized.” All the text that appears on screen or in menus can be displayed in French or English. Users may select their preferred language from the Menu bar.… read more

31 January 2020
Changes Added many characters required for codepage 1252 and macRoman Deleted many Latin characters not required for codepage 1252 and macRoman Added Arabic script characters: U+063F, U+0751, U+08C3 (… read more