2017 News

19 December 2017
We are pleased to announce the final release candidate of WeSay 1.6 which is 1.6.6. If no urgent problems are found in this release then it will be released as the stable version in early 2018. What&#… read more

9 December 2017
Annapurna SIL font version 1.203 is a maintenance release that fixes some Graphite bugs involving reph position chaining rules and a conjunct half-form. An OpenType rule for the “ra halant ra ha… read more

27 November 2017
Version Alpha is now available
A new version of Asheninka (a Syllable Parser) is now available. To get an installer go to the download page. Here is a summary of the new features of this version: Add ability to use environments to … read more

9 November 2017
Version 3.2.0 / 2.32.0 Released
XLingPaper version 3.2.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.32.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPa… read more

20 October 2017
The Scripture Forge development team is happy to announce the release of Scripture Forge version 1.1. This version includes the following new features: Text and Question List views now have sortable c… read more

27 September 2017
We are pleased to announce the first beta release of WeSay 1.6 What’s New in 1.6? Version 1.6 provides a new feature to choose either Definition (default) or Gloss as the Meaning field. You can … read more

8 September 2017
New version of LingTree: version 0.7.5
This version fixes a bug: when storing font sizes (for non-terminal, lexical, and gloss fonts), the value was stored as a floating point number (e.g., 14.25), but LingTree was reading it back in as an… read more

11 August 2017
What’s New in Version 2.6 Below is a brief listing of the new features of version 2.6. • Add an “Add all” and “Delete all” options to Item Selection dialog boxes. • Add G… read more

10 August 2017
Pathway 1.16.1 is designed to work well with FieldWorks 8.3.9 and Paratext 7.5 or 8.0. It is a hotfix for 1.16.0 and so includes all the changes made there plus: Libre Office / Open Office TD-4841 rem… read more

8 August 2017
Pathway 1.16.0 is designed to work well with FieldWorks 8.3.9 and Paratext 7.5 or 8.0. It adds support for audio and video outputs as well as fixing a number of bugs (see below). This release doesn… read more

21 July 2017
SIL International is pleased to announce the release of version 2.000 of the Tagmukay font. Tagmukay is a font with support for the Tawallammat Tamajaq language using the Tifinagh script (known as Shi… read more

17 July 2017
SIL International is pleased to announce the release of version 1.000 of the Awami Nastaliq font. Awami is an Urdu word meaning “of the people”, “of the common population” or “public”. It … read more

14 July 2017
Why Learn to Use XLingPaper document available
For anyone wondering why they might want to learn how to use XLingPaper, there is now a document outlining benefits for the author, the reader, and the publisher. It gives 36 reasons for the author, 1… read more

10 June 2017
Version 3.1.1 / 2.31.1 Released
A new version of XLingPaper is now available. This minor update has several fixes and some enhancements: Improve Linux installers Add ability to have contents in the back matter instead of in the fron… read more

8 June 2017
Language Science Press is now accepting XLingPaper documents
Sebastian Nordhoff of Language Science Press (http://langsci-press.org/index) says that they have a way now to receive XLingPaper XML documents and turn them into their LaTeX format. This is good news… read more

30 May 2017
We are pleased to announce the official release of the Alkalami (pronounced al-KA-la-mi) font. Alkǎlami is the local word for the Arabic “qalam”, a type of sharpened stick used for writing on woo… read more

25 May 2017
New SIL Font News announcements list
If you wish to receive announcements about updates to any of our SIL fonts, please subscribe to our SIL Font News Google Group. This is not a discussion list, it is purely a place for SIL to give news… read more

10 May 2017
Version 3.1.0 / 2.31.0 Released
XLingPaper version 3.1.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.2+) and version 2.31.0 (for the XMLmind XML Editor version 5.3) is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This new version of XLingPa… read more

13 April 2017
Pathway 1.15.14 is designed to work well with FieldWorks 8.3.7 and Paratext 8.0. It adds a new export for HTML5. The HTML5 can also play the audio files that may be included in the FieldWorks 8.3 proj… read more

6 April 2017
XLingPaper with the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.4
As noted in a previous post, large documents could take a long time to load with version 7.2 (and 7.3) of the XMLmind XML Editor. There is good news: the recently released version 7.4 of the XMLmind X… read more

4 April 2017
Version Alpha is now available
A new version of Asheninka (a Syllable Parser) is now available. To get an installer go to the download page. Here is a summary of the new features of this version: Added a “Try a Word” di… read more

23 March 2017
We are pleased to announce the release of LateefGR v1.200. This Graphite-only release of Lateef is the first significant update of this font since its initial release in 2005. Changes since then inclu… read more

10 March 2017
Padauk version 3.003 is a maintenance release. It was built using ttfautohint 1.6 which now has support for the Myanmar script. The previous version used an old ttfautohint version with a bug that cau… read more

3 March 2017
Phonology Assistant on Linux with Wine
— Following a suggestion in an email on the FLEx discussion list from May 6, 2015, I got this to work by installing the most recent version of PA in a 32-bit wine prefix, as follows: Following i… read more

22 February 2017
Our new web site is up and running! Check it out at http://software.sil.org/asheninka/.… read more

10 February 2017
AnnapurnaSIL (a Devanagari script font) version 1.202 is a maintenance release fixing two issues. One was in Graphite where reph was skipping the aakar after the ya. The second was an issue on Windows… read more

27 January 2017
New website, XXE 7, New Versions Released
First, XLingPaper has a new website at http://software.sil.org/xlingpaper. Feel free to check it out. We will keep the old website up for at least another couple of months. Second, some have noticed t… read more

13 January 2017
XLingPaper with the XMLmind XML Editor version 7.3+
Beginning with version 7 of the XMLmind XML Editor (aka XXE), XMLmind is offering their Personal Use License again (they ceased doing so after version 5.3). While this is good news, there are some def… read more

4 January 2017
This release includes Regional Font Subsets for Charis SIL, Doulos SIL, Gentium Plus and Andika (v5.000). These fonts contain both OpenType and Graphite smart font rendering. This is the first release… read more

4 January 2017
This release includes Regional Font Subsets for Charis SIL, Doulos SIL, Gentium Plus and Andika (v5.000). These fonts contain both OpenType and Graphite smart font rendering. This is the first release… read more

4 January 2017
This release includes Regional Font Subsets for Charis SIL, Doulos SIL, Gentium Plus and Andika (v5.000). These fonts contain both OpenType and Graphite smart font rendering. This is the first release… read more

4 January 2017
This release includes Regional Font Subsets for Charis SIL, Doulos SIL, Gentium Plus and Andika (v5.000). These fonts contain both OpenType and Graphite smart font rendering. This is the first release… read more